pricing wood decks ((( staining))

Hey guys i am washing a 700 sg ft deck and i am charging $375. I figured its only going to take me 5 hrs. Is that a reasonable price? And also my other question is how much should i charge to seal the deck the same price or should i charge more.

JR Wood

New Member
Is the decking 700 sq ft or is the whole job 700 sq ft.Remember that one linear foot of rails and spindles can be more than 3 sq ft.
1.5 X 36 X 4 X 2 spindles + 1.5 X 12 X 2+6X12
(2 spindles in a linear ft)+ (top railing)
(All this is in a linear foot of railing)
432 sq inches + 108 sq inches divided by 144
that's roughly 3.75 sq ft!
so if your deck is 20 X 35 And you have 20 +
35 +20 linear feet of rail thats 75 X 3.75
= 281.25 +700 = 981.25 sq ft of total(that is assuming that you only added the deck floor)
SO yes I think another 375.00 is a fair price! :w


New Member
I appreciate the response, which shows the complexity of bidding. I would enjoy seeing some others weigh in with their "rules of bidding" for wood decks. How is the bid presented? What options are offered to the customer? What variables are important to you in preparing the bid? What "RED FLAGS" do you look for?
Thanks DAVE

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