float tanks

Barry Loy

New Member
I am not very familiar with float valves. I understand their usefulness and application in the field. My questionis this,can a float valve be added to a water tank that does not presently have this ? I currently have a 225 gallon tank. Thanks folks!


New Member
That is exactly what I did and it works great. Took a livestock tank float valve, put it in the 225 gallon tank inlet on top.
Ran plumbing and adjusted valve shutoff.
E-mail me if you need help.
Originally posted by Barry Loy:
I am not very familiar with float valves. I understand their usefulness and application in the field. My questionis this,can a float valve be added to a water tank that does not presently have this ? I currently have a 225 gallon tank. Thanks folks!


New Member
Originally posted by Barry Loy:
I am not very familiar with float valves. I understand their usefulness and application in the field. My questionis this,can a float valve be added to a water tank that does not presently have this ? I currently have a 225 gallon tank. Thanks folks!

I sat and fummbled around the same ideas just five days ago, then my float valve arrived at the house. It was simple to install, just like the ones in toilets (almost). Although I have not used it yet, I am sure it will work. I am still not sure if I need a hose connected to the inside of the tank to help inject the water to the bottom. I dought mine from Dultmeir Sales, very helpful poeple. Remember that you will probably need to buy a threaded flange to connect to your tank so you will have a thread to screww in the float valve thread.

Call if you need any help!!

John Moller II
Dultmier Sales (1-800-553-697)

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