Hired help what %of gross should it be


New Member
Just came in from a job got rained out, that happens more than i like. What PERCENTAGE are some of you figuring on your jobs for hired labor? My overall labor for last year was 32%. Just wondered if i was in the ball park!


Scott Stone

New Member
Without my salary my payroll expense is about 28% more or less. 32% does not seem way out of line to me. If it gets over 45% with you rregular salary, I would start looking. I do know of one contractor that pays his people on a percentage basis and the percentage that he pays is about 30%.

Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

Just a guy driving around trying to make a living washing trucks, Wouldn't know a deck if it bit me in the hind quarters,

Bus. Phone 480-834-3434
Cell Phone 602-509-9741

Dave Olson

New Member
Our cost of labor including wages, FICA, Medicare, FUTA, and SUI was 35% of our gross for last year. We spent another 1.5% for health care coverage(HMO).

Dave Olson

Tidy Powerwash Service, Inc. P.O. Box 781, Catlin, Illinois 61817 Phone 217-427-5557, Fax 217-427-2632 We are a commercial cleaning contractor serving East-Central Illinois and West Central Indiana since 1984. http://www.tps-inc.com

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