New Virus Alert


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The infected email can come from addresses that you recognize, with an attachment named "Mawanella.vbs". The email message can appear as follows:

Subject: Mawanella
Body: Mawanella is one of the Sri Lanka's Muslim Village
Attachment: Mawanella.vbs

Opening the attachment initiates the mass e-mailing routine. When the attachment is running, it displays a message-box entitled "VBScript: Mawanella" which reads:

Mawanella is one of the Sri Lanka's Muslim Village.
This brutal incident happened here 2 Muslim Mosques,100
Shops are burnt. I hat this incident, What about you?
I can destroy your computer I didn't do that because I am
a peace-loving citizen.

It copies itself to the Windows System directory as a file called "Mawanella.vbs" and e-mails itself to all recipients in the Microsoft Outlook address book.

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