Increasing your prices


New Member
Hello [hello]

Here is a pretty neat site that allows you to see how the rate of inflation effects the cost of doing business.

If you are looking for a way to determine how much you should increase your wash prices. This site can help you keep up with the rate of inflation.

All you do is enter in your particular wash price, the year you began charging that price and than enter the year 2000 (the program is not caculated for 2001 yet)

For example...
What costs $15.00 in 1996 would cost $16.40 in 2000

Now these caculations are in general terms and many of you have different methods of calculating your prices and subsequent increases, but as a guide this may prove useful to you.
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New Member
I would presume when we're finished w/2001. Since they would need the entire years stats to compute the inflation rate.


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