Conversion Ratio



I was looking for the formula to convert odds to percent (1 in 23=? %)...anyway, I found a site that talked about increasing sales to their website. Some of them, from what I've read here, already apply. Others I think may make sense as well. There is a lot of chatter about salesmanship and I wonder what you all think of this.

Stress the benefits of your product first.

Don't mention price until right at the end. You have to convince them of the value of your product first.

Give them choices. Different product packages & different payment options.

Don't mix technical specifications into your sales effort. People buy with their hearts (benefits) and afterwards justify it with common sense (specifications). Sell to their emotions and link to technical specs.

Encourage feedback. Make it easy for them to ask questions.

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By the way, there is no formula. you just divide.

i.e. 1 in 25 or 1/25
Divide the 25 into the 1 and you get .04 (4%)

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