what type of pump


New Member
up until now i've either tried to pumpspray bleach or x-jet it on the roof. i already have a 225 gallon tank on my trailer so I'd like to just buy a pump to mount on the trailer. that way i can mix my chems in the tank and spray the roof with a garden house for faster applications. any recommendations on pump types and/or chemical mixtures? I've been told by the people at roof revivor that bleach doesn't actually kill the algae, it just lifts it, and i need their stuff because it's an algaecide. i need more info.


New Member
so after reading a bit, i see you guys have mentioned the shurflow 12v. Are there any other specs I need to look at on this thing, like how high of a lift shoud it have, gpm, rpm? need some help.



shurflo is old school, new pump of choice is Delavan 5800 available at Pressuretek.com. It has 60 to 100 psi and 5.3 gpm flo. Best roof formula is sodium hypochlorite 12%, tsp , borax and water. All pumps need at least 5/8 hose.


New Member
thanks for the reply. what dilution ratios should I be looking at? Also, I had heard that TSP counteracts the bleach. I'm disinclined to believe that because of how many people seem to be using it. Thoughts?
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used tsp forever and works great. 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup per gallon for roofs 1/4 for lightly stained roofs and 1/2 cup for very stained roofs. Adding Borax to mix at same measurements will even help your mix work even better and will make the roof stay cleaner longer Borax is a great biocide!


New Member
thanks for the info. I'm still not sure about the liquid measurements though. You said to add so much per gallon, but gallon of what. I know you mentioned using sodium hypochlorite and water. What's the ratio there? Thank you.


your base will be sodium hypochlorite and water.A good mix for roofs would be 60 -70 gals SH and 30 gals water to make 100 gals of cleaner. mix 13lbs tsp and 13lbs borax in hot water to dissolve and add to base just before using

russ s

New Member
100 gallons of mix = 30 gallons of 12.5 % sodium hypochlorite , 60 gallons of water , 12.5 pounds of TSP , 12.5 POUNDS OF BORAX !


New Member
I use borax and 12.5 all the time with very good results. However, I have considered, after reading here, adding TSP. I went to the local hardware store and read the label. It states it that it should not be used on metal materials as it will damage them. What say you all ?


New Member
aquacleantn said:
your base will be sodium hypochlorite and water.A good mix for roofs would be 60 -70 gals SH and 30 gals water to make 100 gals of cleaner. mix 13lbs tsp and 13lbs borax in hot water to dissolve and add to base just before using

60-70% is a pretty rich solution, we do about a 30% solution with great results.

Bill Booz

New Member
WOW I just use a 3/4 electric sump pump in a bucket or drum. SImple and cheap.

Also My company is enviromentally friendly. No hypochlorides. No bleach.
I must say though, I bet borax kills it pretty good. PS sodium hypochlorite is bleach, man we need some chemists in here.

Yes all Sodiums (salts) harm metal oxide paints and metal surfaces, thats why so much rinsing must be done, + bleach is caustic look for a non-chlorine bleach. I buy all products in powder, WHY PAY TO SHIP WATER ???

P.S.Try this guys (little secret for u) Offer fungacide treatment and a 2 yr guarentee

Do the treatment once a year, saves customer money and is easy bucks for u + maintenece contracts might just add that second crew many are looking for

A little more advice.... Carry aggragate insurance for the roof and know what u r doing before using stuff on your customers. Screwing up a few roofs will put u right out of buisness, espescially when lawsuits get involved.
If you are a soul proprieter they can also sue you and your personal property not just your company (you are the company)

Take your time and learn GOOD LUCK :)
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New Member
I am located in the Atlanta area and do roof cleaning along with other services. I am interested in discussing your process since it appears not to use bleach. I am familiar with the more common mixtures using bleach, but I am interested in discussing alternate means that maybe safer for the enviroment. Many of my clients are interested in the safer alternative and I am constantly open to trying other formulas. Please call me if you have time to discuss your process. I will be more than happy to share my experiences.

Randy Higgison
Cleaner Solutions


New Member
I don't want to sound ignorant but what is TSP and where do I get sodium hypochlorite - is this mixture better than chlorine


New Member
Chemical make up

TSP is trisodium phosphate( Na3PO4 three atoms of sodium one phosphate which is phosfurous and 4 oxygen atoms together for the whole molicule lol A+ in advance chem last year in HS) you can pick it up at any local hard ware store its used for many things like cleaning basements and outsides of houses i think they even use to put it in laundry detergent lol [spin] (pretty much kills the mold and mildew) and if i'm not mistaking sodium hypochlorite ( NaOCl) is just common bleech . . .be careful as both have corrosive and caustic traits to them. . . hows that for a chemist Bill lol[wsmile]

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