Recent content by BatLouie

  1. B

    Where do you stand ?

    Trying not to sound pompous about where I've been, what I've done, or who's an idiot I'll say this in the hope that it isn't too condescending. Democrats and Republicans alike will always make huge mistakes, and never seem to have the entire answer. That's where the American voter comes in...
  2. B

    Asking for trouble

    I'll not knock anyone who doesn't recover, nor will I pat anyone on the back who "says" that they do. It looks to me like in the very near future the strict enforcement of water recovery will be widespread. Where I live it's a fact of life. What clouds the subject of water recovery is the...
  3. B

    "A PWNA conversation"for members and non members

    "Clean County" do you make your living working fulltime in the Pressure Washing industry? From what I've read on these bulletin boards the answer is no. You can put any embellishment or slant you want on PWNA, the bottom line is you have a career in another field separate from the one you're...
  4. B

    Caution: Virus Alert

    Orangecrest I finally figured out who you remind me of. Inspector Clouseau;)
  5. B

    Dirty Truck and Trailer

    Mr Alan Alan your setup looks pristine and well maintained. Since you're such a "compliant contractor" you must get lots of work with that setup huh? California being the tough state that it is re: environmental issues, you're one step ahead of the pack I would think.