Recent content by ClassicalGlas

  1. C

    What do you recommend for inside cleaning?

    Windex is crap... use a mild detergent only, and definitely stay away from petroleum products.
  2. C

    Water fed pole systems

    From my limited experience it's definately something you can make good money off of, but the only thing is that the pole gets pretty heavy throughout the course of the day. You'll need 2 people to operate it, and each person will have to share pole time (try 15 min shifts). Also, the...
  3. C

    How Many Window Washers Out There?

    If you're having problems with cleaning windows with a squeege, it might very well be your equipment. For very large windows which are easier done with pole work I have found that using a 24" Sorbo squeege works the best. The 30" sometimes has problems, and anything under 24" is a waste of...
  4. C


    I find that a bit hard to believe... we're only talkin about the exterior of 2,500 windows, and not highrise windows either. At the absolute most it shouldn't be more than $10,000 and that's if you bid things at $8 a window in/out. Does it make sense that just the exterior of all those windows...
  5. C


    So what do you bid per window on a house? $3-4 in AZ, or something close to that? So I would say that since it's ext only, and you're talkin about 2500 windows, $4000-5000 give or take and it'll probably take a 3 man team a couple days to do. But this is just a guess cos I have no idea what...
  6. C


    First question you have to have answered is what are their needs? Do they need someone to come in at the time of a move out to do the windows, or do they just want the whole exterior of every building done. (I can't imagine they want int/ext of every building.) You might be able to pitch...
  7. C

    Paint Removal on Tinted Glass

    Some super genius went and painted (water based) on our tinted windows, and now we can't get the paint removed. We've called 3 companies out to remove the paint and they all couldn't do it/damaged our tint. Any suggestions?