Recent content by Sal at ESG

  1. S

    Assuming Can Be Dangerous

    Way back when in another life, I had a Drill Sargent that usta say NEVER ASSUME!! Can you spell ASSUME Private? When you ASSUME you make an ASS out of U and ME" Sal
  2. S

    Getting ready to take the plunge(again)

    Onecall, thanks for your reply. While I wouldn’t use the word saturated, there are quite a few people running around down here with pressure washers trying to make money. While some of them are reputable companies, the majority are fly-by-nighters who are not licenced or insured. I'm...
  3. S

    Getting ready to take the plunge(again)

    A few years ago, I was gearing up to go into the PW biz, the wife and I had another baby, and decided we didn’t want to put our kids in daycare. I put the PW biz idea on the shelf and retired my Bartending Apron. I've really enjoyed the last 3 years as a full-time stay at home dad ( I...
  4. S


    Am I just blind or is there no button to either PM or IM a poster here on the board? I've looked pretty thoroughly(tho' I admit I may of missed something) but I cant find a way to PM/IM. Sal