Search results

  1. F

    liability horror stories

    I got my virginity popped on liability insurance coverage lately. i hate sending them the money every month... A couple of weeks ago I washed a liquor store stucco with wood trims. Low pressure, brush, rinse. Two days later a piece of wood trim falls off the building and hits a lady on the...
  2. F

    parking space tips?

    what has been the best technique for cleaning up asphalt parking spaces, without destroying the surface under all the oil and grease spots? Gracias
  3. F

    best fleet wash chems

    i'm pretty new at fleet wash and i'm discovering chems. i experiment on my own truck...i've already etched my chrome wheels and whitened my alum trims...oh well, live and learn. On customer rigs, I used wash&wax, it was ok. recently i've been using eacochem's fleet wash supreme, it works...
  4. F

    cracked windshield

    One of my fleet customers called me to ask about a cracked windshield. I saw it when i washed, but figured it wasn't my fault, so didn't mention it. They asked if maybe my operations may have broken it. I doubt it, but I was wondering what any of you have experienced? Have you cracked shields...
  5. F

    What about contractor's license?

    In my california city, the city is contracting with a janitorial company to do sidewalk pressure washing, and the contract is for more than $500. The question is, does pressure washing require a contractor's license? I have a CA contractors license classification C61-D38, water and sand...