Newbie,Marks PWN and Carlos

Clean County

New Member
Take a newbie, Marks PWN and Carlos Gonzalos and put then all together and what did I get--a heck of a nice job. I mainly owe Carlos for this because he brought my name into the mix. I have a magazine who wants this story so I'll be in touch with Los to get his thoughts on that but besides thanking Carlos I want to thank Mark from Easy Clean who kept the oldest Ppwerwashing bulletin board alive and kicking and of course this newbie--thanks guys.

Anyone else reading this and you want to make money.. Go to these boards and network, network, network. And then do it again at the roundtables and Conventions.
So far thru my affiliations I made money thru the PWNA a few times with one of them being picked to service trex decks after the Trex lost a class action lawsuit and they came to the PWNA to get contractors with our type backgrounds to clean for them-- home run! That was $15,000 to me and over a $100,000 to some others. This is along with some other money I made thru connections I made thru the PWNA.

TGS - I made multiple $$$ from people going on there and calling my company.. One of them being just this past Nov. We stained his house out in the Hamptons and he is pretty well known in his field of choice,, that was a $6000 job.

PWI in the past and mostly thru Ron I made around 10,000+ on one strip mall run which I stopped but now I'm doing it again for a couple of weeks because that's all I want to do with that... I also hooked up other guys on that one who have made in excess of a hundred that one was big.

And now PWN... This 5 day job.. Could have been 4 days but we still were fixing machines and things but the weather broke.. Was $18,000 with a neat story to it... Article wants it but if I don't get around to doing it there I'll post it on the net.

So here's the tip of the day.. Go to the bb's. Participate but don't stay on long..... Because you have to go and make money..and.... Network network network.

Thanks again PWN


Great story John and so true it's all about networking and lending a hand to fellow power washer when the need arises.

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