What do you think of this guy?




His collar is to big
His pocket button is to high
He has food man chew on his shirt
His right sleave is to short


Jon Fife

New Member
there is a great article on Kim Jong Il in this past week's Newsweek magazine. Sounds like a real wack job. Very interesting to read about him though.


New Member
looks like a mix of WALDO and PORKY PIG with a HITLER stance.
The guy next to him looks like the one working the strings, if you get what im saying.

Dan S

New Member
after we fight Iraq do ya think we will fight the North K ?

I think USA should just worry about this country and stop playing world policeman. I know we need to do some but come on enough already .


New Member
I have always said take care of our own first, not last.

We are the first to offer help to any country for any reason, food, fires, clothes, earthquakes but when it comes to making sure our own people are feed, clothed and bathed FORGET it.

Show me one other country that has ever offered us help when we have had national disasters, just one country?

I could say Canada when all those forrest fires where burning a couple years ago if only they did NOT ASK for RENTAL MONEY to use their supper scopper fire fighting planes.

So name one that has offered to feed our hungry, our truly homeless, our uneducated, our unemployed?

Can't do it can you?

Because there is none offering, only asking us for help. Such a shame.

I would tell them sure you want food, show me the money first and take it.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
We're lucky in alot of ways,grow more food then we need.If we didn't give it away the farmers could not live and without the farmer we can not live either.Its cheaper to feed them as to fight them,you'd fight to feed your family right,stop feeding them and see what happens.Hope it never happens here which one day I'm sure it will unless we have wars to kill a few off it may come alot quicker.....makes you wonder huh


New Member
Bigboy you missed my point, yes we grow more then we need BUT we do not give the excess to our own people, we give to to our enemies and other countries.

HELP OUR OWN FIRST, when every American has food, clothing, a roof over their head then and only then IF there is anything leftover offer it for a price to other countries.


New Member
a millionare

towel head goes into the streets of the poorest nation and offers food,clothing,shelter,education, and a organised life.
He now has an army of people that are tought to hate us,bomb us,terrorise us,and become heros in heven.
I rather be the one giving these things to them and live in peace.
Remember the Germans were out of food and broke just before Hitler became in power also.
What if IRAQ just moved there wepons to another country?
What if NORTH K joins the iraqs?
They say "money cant buy you love"
We know it can buy hate.
I forget what actor said it but he said something that makes sense.
If we are all standing in a bubble of gas." What diffence will it make if you have 1 match or a book of match's?"
We are the most advanced civilalation ever to walk on the planet and we still hit each other with sticks.[WE STARTED THAT OVER 1 MILLION YEARS AGO THANKS TO THE THUMB]
You can take a animal away from a man but your never going to take the animal out of a man.
How do you know this is not heven and we are just screwing it up?
How do you know this isnt your second chance?
Why do so meny suffer when you have the promise of a better after life?
ever second of every day something with a heart beat dies.
Do you live a little each day or die a little each day?

JR Wood

New Member
42 people a day die in his death camps. He imprisons people in death camps if he thinks they don't like him...he also imprisons the whole family, and none of them get out alive. And since this jackass took over for his father this has been going on for decades. That means little children have lived their entire lives in bondage and have died of starvation while being tortured never knowing any kind of freedom. All documented from a number of human rights groups.
I saw all this on the history channel a couple of days ago.
Have a good night.
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