Bulletin Board discussions



I support Dan Flynn and agree 100% with what he has said. Those 2 banned members were voted out "as in our decision" not "just Dan's". I was part of this bbs family during both times and I supported Dan then and do now.
Why would someone start another bbs and set it up just like this one if not in an effort to discredit our board. I remember those posts he made and have not forgotten the unprofessionalism he displayed during that time. I had forgotten about lightning clean untill Dan mentioned him again. I tried to find his site and it is no longer up. I guess a couple of years from now I will have forgotten Ron as he will fade away too. To the ones who support him and his site, good luck to you and I don't have a problem with you. I realize he is using you in an attempt to acheive his goal, that is draw members away from this bbs to his. I believe he has a hidden agenda that you are unaware of now but will surface soon.
My 2 cents,


New Member
Dan I for one appreciate the info. It was funny to me when he started his board that he was using the other boards to get people on his and it was basicaly the same as this one. I for one will be deleting his site from my favorites and will not visit there again. His site gets more post then this one but most are from the same guys I see here. Richard its good to see you back posting again I had wondered if you survived after a couple of months back with the work slow down and all.

Let me just say that my decision to delete Rons sight is because I am a Christian and people should act like they want to be treated and someone that is decieving and lies and so forth is not someone that I for one want to be assoiciated with so I for one would like to say its disappointing to learn that he has done all of the above plus


New Member
Not that I wish to keep this thing alive, I don't but I will say that I personally am not being used.

I do not let others use me, now, in the past or in the future.

I remember Rob and how without my permission he put my name on his board as a moderator. He would never take it off even though I sent him many Emails asking him to do just that.

Don't know nor care if he is even around anymore.

Ron might have an agenda but if so I am not privy to it and if I ever am I would be sure it is not to ruin this board or any board for that matter.

I do believe his joining the PWNA is part of his plan, and to that if he is able to get them to open up the West Coast then he will have done something others have tried and not done.

As far as this board goes, I will continue to come here as I do now, I am not married to any one board and if I find that certain things are true I will weigh all sides before I decide what to do.


Remember something here before you knock Ron for setting his board up like this one, it is not Ron but the software program that is the same as this one, as is Mike Hughes so you have to follow the format of the company that makes it. I have been on vBulletin web site and spent a lot of time there so I can say it offers a lot of things you can and a few things you cannot do.

You can check it out if you want also, there is no charge for that but if you want to buy the program do so before the cost goes way up, unless they raised it already.

Just what is it that for some reason humankind enjoys putting others down, is it to make the one doing the putting down look and feel good OR is it because that person feels less like the one that he/she is putting down?

Is it ok if we all just get along and go about our business without knocking others. I know for a fact many of you don't much care for me nor like my bluntness yet you don't pick on me, a few have felt close enough to kid about me deafness and I accept that from the ones I consider friends even though I know a couple of them don't much like me they don't show it openly.

I have always had a saying and I know it has been said before but here it is again. Two of them for that matter.

Live and let live.

I don't have to like you but I don't hate you either.

I have no enemies, maybe I am not a friend or yours or you of me but I don't dislike you.

Ok guys n gals, lets put this thing to sleep now and practice the Golden Rule:

Treat others as you would want them to treat you.

Call me a deaf fool, just don't call me mute as I sure as hell can talk, a bit funny maybe but I can talk. Enough about Ron and his board, do as you must be unless he personally attacks you why attack him? OR Dan, or Mike, or Scott or Cody or anyone for that matter.

What Scott said is pretty much true, I also speak to Ron on the phone weekly and have never heard him say anything bad about Dan, in fact he has asked me many times why won't Dan Flynn join his board, I have told him I have no answer. Sure I do now but I am sure he has been here and read all that has been said so far.

Let this thing die already for the good of the whole industry and all of us here.
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Scott Stone

New Member
You know, everyone has their own opinions of people. Dan and Cody don't like Ron, so they use a public forum to discredit him. A lot of things that have been said are conjecture, and are basically unsubstantiated. I did not recieve one of the purported e-mails from Ron or Bob or whoever, that supposedly trashed Dan's board. I have even gone through my old e-mails to make sure that I did not get one. I am pretty sure that I would be on any list that was automatically generated. I do know that I have NEVER heard Ron say anything negative to me about Dan's board, for whatever it is worth. I have also seen OTHER peole post bad things about Dan's board on Ron's board, but I have never seen a negative post from Ron himself. I even went back and checked to make sure. It is possible that I missed one, but I am pretty sure I did not.
You are all complaining about Ron being unprofessional, unethical, etc. He may be less than perfect. I know for sure that I am. What I find amazing though is that people are so willing to trash an individual, that they will stoop to the levels that they claim he is acting at, that is really disappointing to me. I have had e-mail conversations with Dan, Cody, Jon, and just about everyone else that has ever e-mailed me. I have developped some pretty decent friendships with some people, and have developped a trust with a lot of people. I have also done things to see if I can trust people, so far I have not been disappointed in my judgements, until now. Now people are pillaging someone to advance their own opinions.
For the record, I remember when Rob from Lightning Clean, Lance and Ron were all banned. All of them were different circumstances, and they were all Dan's call. The only one that I do not recall Dan asking the opinion of the board on was Ron. That leads me to believe that it was more a personality thing than anything else. I can see that. Like I said before ROn can be bombastic and inflammatory, but the posts that I have seen her are just as bad as I have ever seen from Ron. It is truly shameful. I am really disappointed in the direction that this thread is going.

Scott Stone

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
hehehehehehehe hey Glenn alot of people use me,whats funny is I let them use me until I see where I can get a hit in or my say so.Isn't it better to be standing on en'me ground as to know his moves as to stand a mile away not knowing where the bullit came from,hehehehe you missed hahaha,try again,I'm over here,no over there,no right here,no not there,no just alittle to the middle.Alot of times the user useing the useing turns out to be the useing.
I'm just glad Dan didn't live on no back roads are Ron would have run over his mailbox plus killed 4 or 5 chickens as he went though the hen house like a mad dog in heat.
Isn't life funny in general when you stop and take a look at it,who's useing who and whats it costing you,I go though this in every day life,business,family,friends even strangers use me
but but but its my choice for how long and who.
I can see where Dan or if I was Dan I'd kick the shit out of Ron for the things he did but he has done none of these things to me.I look at both as freinds but with different ways of doing things.I chose not to run over your chickens but if made mad enough I'd break the eggs,eat the cow and kick a ring around your dogs neck.

Maybe we need to look at joining all three boards together and not kick no one off,just edit,wonder what a chevy,ford and dodge would look like haha,life goes on even tho we're all users in some way or form

Richard R.

New Member
No offense but have you read the bottom of each one of your posts?
{Any statement that I make about equipment, processes or your hair color is my own personal opinion. I usually base it on personal experience. If you disagree with me you are free to reply on both the BBS and by e-mail. If I am totally off base {please explain why on the BBS so that we may all know why}

I can't help but wonder if this rule applies just in your situations or does Dan and Cody have the same privilege as you. Especially since this is Dan's board.

I'm sorry but I don't see Dan's post the same way you do.
It doesn't appear Dan has discredited Ron at all. From what it appears, Ron's conduct has caused his own discredit. It's not Dan's and Cody's fault that Ron's conduct was unfavorable to them and others. Is it right for us to expect Dan to be constantly violated and not stand up and say that's enough. From what I can see, Dan and Cody have given narratives and records of events that were personally afflicted on them. The fact that they are sharing these events with others would indicate to me that they are concerned whether or not others step in the same bear trap. Whether you look at their accounts of events as conjecture or unsubstantiated is your preogative but it does seem strange that Ron's on supporters are sugar coating simular incodents that Ron has said or done to them. I think they both have made it pretty clear that they can back up most everything they have said so I would have to conclude this is based on true facts. If Dan's encounters would have been stated by a third party, I could see your point, but since it is Dan who is giving facts about something that has happened to himself or something he has personally seen, I don't get your point.
If Dan's explanation of personal events on his own BBS somehow discredits someone then sobeit. Since you think Dan has publicly discredited Ron on a public forum, I wonder what using words like conjecture and unsubstaniated do to credit Dan.
Did I misunderstand what you meant or did you say Dan's accounts were false?
I went back to the old board just to read some of Ron's posts and I'm sorry Scott, it seems as though Ron used Dan's Site to publicly slam a few things himself.
It's obvoius Dan tryed carefully to pick each and every word in his post to depict professionalism under some pretty tough situations, so it appears to me that your the one out of line.
I am somewhat apt to believe everyone has a limit and each one of us should try to respect that limit especially if you have been asked to back off several times.

If I didn't know better, I would have thought your post depicts exactly what your acusing Dan and Cody of doing.

If I was being accused of doing someone wrong, I would probably ask the person to except my apology and then turn away from my wrong doing. If I didn't think I did anything wrong to the accuser, I would probably expect I was going to be slammed one way or another.

What should we do? Should we blame Dan for being offended? Should we all go into Dan's house and tell him to keep turning his head? Exactly what is it that we should expect Dan to do? Should we tell him he doesn't know what he's talking about. Should we tell him we are going to use him and there's nothing he can do about it or should say about it?
Besides telling Dan we don't believe a word he says, what do we do?

Richard R.
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Dan S

New Member
BLAHH BLAHH BLAHH.......... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH .......BLAH BLAH ....BLAH ****^*^&*^*&%^%$^%$&%# ^%$^%$* $*%$*^ *&^ *&^& #@% %^% ^*%$(*&^ iu)&^)(*&^)(*&^ *&^*&^ $% &%*%$# &(*&*)(*)( ^*& ^%^ $ %







Scott Stone

New Member
As a former police man you should know better than any of us what it takes to establish proof. Although Dan is an upright guy and is honest in his opinions, he did not offer any substantial proof other than his word. Usually that would be good enough for me, but I have enough experience to nkow that interpretation is everything. As evidence of this, you say Ron said negative things about Dan's board, and I say that he did not.
As for Ron's supporters sugar coating the facts to absolve ROn of wrong doing, it is obviouse that you do not know any of the people that are supporting Ron. I thikn that the majority of us are not easily bamboozled or likely to "sugar coat " the facts. There is literally nothing in it for us, so why would we temper the truth?
As for me trashing Dan and Cody, give me a break!! I trashed everyone that is willing to attack someone that can not defend himself because he is banned from the site. I am sure that Ron is not lily white and pure. Most of that is a matter of personal interpretation.
As for Cody saying negative things about Ron, especially about using Pseudonyms, and causing problems. You need to note one thing, this is coming from a guy that is absolutely opposed to helping anyone new in the industry, and I believe thtthis would include you. He is however perfectly willing to ask for help from others. On top of that, Try e-mailing him when he is not expecting it, he won't find the e-mail because he "doesn't check" that account. Basically, it is a dummy account. If you do manage to get a hold of his business, you better know what his first name is, ( and it is not Cody, that is his last name) otherwise, no one will no who you are asking about. Basically, Cody goes an all of the boards to breed discontent and provide disinformation. He certainly is not here to help, he has even stated that much. So in my opinion, Cody is a non issue.
Dan, is another story. His board sytarted out with a grand idea. He wanted to make it a members board, and even stated as much. He was even planning on paying fo rit out of his own pocket. About a year ago, David Saulque suggested that people start donating, at that time, Dan started requestiong donations. It was somewhere in the same time frame that he also started selling advertising. As far as I am concerned, that was totally his perogative, and I support him in his decision. I also chose to contribute my time abnd efforts in a different way than sending money. Quite literally, I usually do more helping than being helped. I enjoy it, and look forward to it. I don't think that I should have to pay for the privilege.
Sorry, I got off on an irrelevant tangent. Dan has stated that he has intercepted e-mails, and that Ron has denigrated him on his board, and you support Dan in this statement, that is your choice, and I will back you up in supporting Dan. I don't feel that Ron has said negative things about Dan, or his board. I do know that in all of my conversations with Ron, he has encouraged me to post an all of the forums, and has said nothing but positive things about Dan and his board. He is just taking the idea in a different direction, so it is not a copy of Dan's board. There are a ton of differences that create a more free exchange of information. The rules are the rules, and I feel that Dan is more restrictive in his rules.
As for Dan bringing my name in the mix, That is his choice, but I stand by my statement. Ron has done nothing wrong in my opinion. There are two things that he has done that might be construed as wrong. 1. Using Dans e-mail system to e-mail people, mainly people that he thought would be interested in his board, and 2. Copying messages from Dan's board onto his own board to give a repsonse. The first, I could see how that could be thought of as bad, I don't necessarily agree that it was, but it is a matter of interpretation. The second was out of necessity. Dan had Ron blocked, and Ron wanted to make a reply. For what it is worth, I don't think anyone has been blocked off of Ron's board, in fact, everyone has been welcomed with open arms, I am sure that htis would include, Dan, you and Cody. If you choose not to post there, that is your own choice. I will continue to post anywhere that I am welcome, as long as I have something to offer.
I'm done and doubt I will come back to this message to check for responses.
Feel free to call me if you want to discuss it on the phone. If you don't want to pay long distance charges, call me and I will call you right back and pay for the call.

Scott Stone


New Member
I think I may have been a bit fast to jump on Dans banwagon so to speak. Its just that I have come to respect Dan and Richard however I have come to respect Jon and Bigboy and others also. Jon sais that Ron is an OK guy and has met the guy I wonder howmany that are bashing him have actually met him. So I will say to Ron that I am sorry about the above post that I made and until he has done something to me or something that has been proven with facts then I will continue to go to his site. In my opion for what its worth I think this hole thread should be deleted and forgotten about this is shameful if you ask me for adults to act like this he said she said BLAHBLAH

Richard R.

New Member
First let me just say thanks for all the kind words you have said about us on your post.

In reading your post, you made me stop and think about how some may be reading my posts.
I hope my posts do not come across as hate toward Ron as a person. That is not the message I wanted people to perceive out of any of them. If this is the case, I owe an apology to Ron.
I can't speak for Dan, but from looking and reading his post, I think he agrees that this is not about Ron the person, it's about Ron's actions.
I think Ron is very aware of what his intentions were and what he did to frustrate Dan. If Ron is the human I think he is, I think he will admit that he has done some things that he is not proud of as do we all at times in our lives. I believe Ron may not see things exactly the same way or as severe as some of us do, but nonetheless, I think he understands deep down in his heart.
I have to say, Scott Stone said something in his post that caused me to think and helped me to come more understanding his frustrations. "Ron in banned from the board and can't say a whole lot about anything being said about him."
As a matter of fact, I'm not sure how he could even say he was sorry even if he did feel a little bad about things.
I have pretty well said about all I'm going to say about the situation. I think we all got a chance to vent our frustrations and I sure don't see any reason to keep it up.
I will say this, I don't hate Ron, I'm just disappointed in his actions.
Ron doesn't have to agree with me, nor does anyone else. If I have said something to damage or hurt anyones feelings I am truly sorry. My intentions are not to hurt anyone. Just to vent my frustrations.
I think the world of all of these guys and feel we are all brothers and sisters, even though I didn't see my sisters voicing their opinion. I've definitely had a lot worse problems with my siblings than I have with this brother. I still don't think Ron did right, but I sure don't hate him, nor do I think anyone else does. If anyone hates Ron, then I sure can't support their views.
As for Dan, I don't think anyone can question my loyalty, and in this case, I don't think he was wrong. Whether I'm right or wrong for feeling this way is neither here nor there.
I just hope we can all eventually get back in the swing of things and be able to forgive one another for our debts and transgressions.

Take Care
Rcihard R.

Mike Hughes

New Member
As many of you may have noticed, I have been suspiciously abscent from this discussion. I have purposely stayed out of this thread until now. Overall, reading this garbage has been one of the biggest wastes of time I have experienced online in a long while. The funny thing about this thread is that I agree with almost everyone. I'm not quite sure how that's possible, but I can see every person's point of view. There is no right or wrong.......its a matter of interpretation.

Since everyone else did, I feel compelled to throw in my two cents here. Be careful, it might be a nickel.

I have a unique problem, because I am friends with both Dan and Ron. Lets all remember that Dan started this board when he was kicked off of Del-co's board.......much like Ron did after being kicked off of this one. If you were Ron, what would you have done?.........he wasnt allowed here.............it almost encouraged him to start his own. I dont blame him. (By the way, Rob at Lightning Clean started his own board too after he got kicked off, but that was a flop). I think Ron disagreed with a couple of the rules of this board, and felt it would be better a different way. He probably should have just started his own board right then and there, without causing trouble.........but thats not how the story goes.

I don't doubt that Ron used this board to contact members to solicit them to visit his board. Did he say negative things about PW Network?? I have no idea. I can tell you that Ron has never said anything negative to me about Dan Flynn as a person, and has not said negative things about the board, except for in a constructive way. Whatever he feels is a negative point about this board, he is doing differently. Thats what makes the world go around.

By the way, if the private message system usage was a problem, why not eliminate the Private message function altogether? Does anyone actually use it anyway?? I personally prefer email.

So, now there are now two similar boards. Who cares? I visit both, although the majority of my posts are here. There are differences. There are people on that board that are not here, and vice versa. It will always be that way.

Ron's board is here to stay. All the bickering in the world is not going to change that. Nor is it going to change the events leading up to it. I think what's important here is that we support Dan Flynn. I'm not talking about sending in donations, or agreeing with his post. I mean, support him by being an active, mature participant in this board, the first of its kind, and argueably, the best.

Lets all take two steps back and become the professionals we once were. Does anyone care to think about the new members or guests that view this thread and see the crap thats going on here? If I were them, I would think twice about visiting this site and being a part of this. No wonder why the board has been slow lately.

Can't we all just get along??


Moderator / Sponsor

I agree 200% with Mike Hughes!

I have been sitting back and shaking my head about this whole
chain of events.

It does not do anything to promote professionalism in our industry,
and I believe it gives us all a "Black Eye"

I vote we close this thread and archive it. If I had "moderator privelidges"
I would probably delete the whole thing,

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I will repeat myself:

"Hey Guys,

I have a GREAT IDEA why don't we put all the bickering aside,
and be thankful for what we have.....!

Let us thank God that we have been able to learn from all of the BBS and
that, we have made new friends etc.

Lets thank God for our differences and respect each other for their differences."

My mother once told me if you don't have something good to say don't say anything!

Maybe we should all take my mothers advice!

(I will try to myself.)

Lets put all the bickering aside and MOVE ON!




Mark McIntyre

Dan S

New Member
It's just a freaken shame!!!!**

Only 5 people were Thankfull and took the time to post it..well maybe 4 people i think i posted twice........

BUT.... take a look at Jons pave clean photo's post and you will see 5 pages of --BULL------S------- IT......

No wonder our world is full of hate .....too many folks wanting to say something bad enstead of good......

I dont want to start another post on "this is what I meant"
I know what everbody said I read it several times........

Well I got news for ya ......Im Thankfull that there was 4 reply's

But dissappointed that there was'nt more....But i guess THATS THE INTERNET FOR YA..............


It's good in a way we all got things off our chest, I feel better as I know others do too. This will make us all stronger and closer in the long run.
Man, did you see the views on that post? In the thousands.....


New Member
Dan S.

Needless to say I did not post those pictures of Pave Clean expecting it to take the road it did and I feel sad about that.

We all have some hate or prejudice in us, be it against a race, religion, color, food or what not.

I hate certain foods but don't go around bashing that just because someone else likes it.

Example: I do not like any truly spicy or hot food, burns my guts and makes my stomach upset so I avoid that stuff.

Others love it, the hotter the better they say and I say fine with me you can eat that stuff.

Now I don't hate people, period.

You are right, if only we could all just get along with each other, go about your business and I go about mine and leave well enough alone.

I have neighbors whom are probably the most un-neighborly of all, they never say hi, never wave a hand, never even look at others yet I always say hi to them or wave as they drive by.

Love thy neighbor, it will drive them crazy!

Life is to short to hate.


New Member
<font color=e87400>Well frankly I think that it was a pretty good post & reflects what this forum could be. People say that they want an organization for this and that. Well wouldn’t one part of the organization be for it to stand up and say NO whenever we see something that we feel could have an inherently ill effect on the industry? Or are these forums only limited to “my machine doesn’t work†and “What chemical do I use for this†Afterall what is an Organization? Does it need to be an actual entity? No, an organization is defined by the word itself, It is a collaboration of people with similar views that will rally together <I>(organize)</I> for a common cause. That’s All!

I have drug myself through the mud in defense of a belief that I know is right, that belief being one that somethings that are happening are not for the good of the industry and/or it’s people in general. There & still here I can feel the contempt burning towards me, when in fact It should be thanks for what I have tried to do. People have completely misinterprted me & my intentions, a picture has been painted of me as though I am only here to cause problems and disrupt ideas. For those people I say instead of making comments like shtu-up & bs why not say “prove itâ€, & when someone does prove it don’t just say that's bs, say “well I don'’ understand tell me more†or disprove it and make the person understand where they may be wrong. <I>And please read between the lines here this is not directed at any one person, “bs†is referring to anyone that took the short road, polite or not,)</I> Or at least step up & explain where your opinion comes from to add some light to the misunderstanding. Isn’t this what these forums should be about? And this in no way should be misconstrued as an attempt to stir things up or rehash it all here or anywhere, this is about bringing certain issues to light! Some of you guys only saw a post sling hate that was not what it was about it was about ethics & deciet, if you cannot not figure that out then you did not read it & if you did read it then you simply did not understand it. Someone steps up & says “I have proof†Well did you ask to see it before you denied that it was true?

If anyone involved wants my last thread that I was unable to post just ask. It provides links, descriptions, & where the information resides in the link. This is not available to everyone just to the parties concerned. My email is ecody@cfl.rr.com

That thread was just a flow, a conversation, a debate, yes if may have gotten off topic on one hand but on the other hand it was dead on topic with regards to business ethics.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
Hey Cody you should set the house up.....

I e-mailed you,I love to read what you had to say as I always do, even tho your your as mean as nails hhehehe me carry big hammer b/c your advice is smarter than most,please send.


New Member
Ok Cody,

First how about sending me that post that never got posted too, it shall be interesting reading.

NOW I will take you up on the PROVE IT, yes you come online and knock people you have never met, you knock products you have never tried and you say things that you truly do not know about.

Take Paul Jennings of Pave Clean, ever met the man? NO

Ever seen his product being used or demo, I don't mean from my pictures but standing there and watching it being used? NO

Ever met Ron? NO

I doubt you even spoke to him on the phone but since I cannot say NO for sure I will say I DOUBT IT.

You log onto boards and blast others away simply because it makes you feel good, EGO is a good word for it BUT all your really doing is showing others your bad side.

Why not instead CALL Paul Jennings, I know for a fact he wants to meet with you and see if your for real. Ah your asking how the hell does Jon know this, simply because I have spoken to him on the phone more then once and he asked me why you are not man enough to meet with him yet boy enough to blast the hell out of his product and worst him personally.

Guess what, if he wanted to he could find you and hall your butt into court for defamation of character but he is not stooping low.

Doubt me then ask an attorney but be sure you show him the FULL post you put up so he can advise you of your rights.

Perhaps you should appolize to the rest of us since you are the one who took a post about Pave Clean and made it into a FLAME.

Hey I don't hate you but I don't agree with what you did and you know you were wrong too.

You come on when you have negative things to say, unlike the old days when you used to post things in the computer forum and seemed a better person.

I cannot prove this and no one is willing to help me prove it but I do believe your Waterman, why do I say this, because both of you post the same way, it is hard to change that part of someones personality.

I could be wrong but most times I am not, so PROVE to all of us your NOT "waterman".

Now I do agree with you about the board should be for more then just my machine lost pressure what do I do OR what kind of soap you using.

Why not offer others some of your vast knowledge you have in this business and stop putting others down.

I expect a rather scathing reply from you but I can handle it.

JUST PROVE THE ABOVE starting with Paul Jennings and Ron. Never mind you don't like them as no one is going to believe your reasons anyway but I do want to hear you out, oh and try as you might to be civil in your reply please.

And Cody always remember I don't hate anyone, you included.
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Dan S

New Member
wow another one........

Hey Cody I dont think I ever said that i dissagreed with ya .....there is alot that I do agree on.....however I was a lil up set that folks write more about a subject such as this rather then post a thankfull thought.......I know im weird.....

I agree that this bb and others should be about everything in general >>and not just about how to clean a pimple off my

the theroy i have is this ......if ya dont want to post here or else where dont ....that means all of us not just u.......

If there is a hidden adgenda I will say that I too wont put up with it and will quit posting there.... but untill something has personally happened to me i will continue to post there.........

I wont put up with any lies....as far as im concerend nothing has determined any truth........any any time i have spoke to Ron on the telephone he has never said anything bad about this board or about Dan Flynn ........... so i dont know what is up with everything else......If Ron would call me today and and knock Dan down I would tell him to take a hike and never post there again......
Same for anybody else......... Just b/c I dont like people picking there nose and eating it........dont mean that you should hate them as well.......

FREEDOM OF SPEECH.....have a great day and GOD BLESS YOU!!!!


I don't understand how you can say we don't know each other here because we have never met in person or on the phone? I know you pretty good as I do alot of other guys here but have never shook hands in person or spoke on the phone. When we communicate with one another through posts and read posts from each other to others, we are geting to know that person. So, I have to disagree with what you say about us not knowing any particular person here. I know more about you then what a stranger could learn meeting you in a resturant or talking with you on the phone a couple of times. Give this some thought, I know what you drive, what you look like, where you live, your wifes name, some about your kids and grand kids, type of work you do, personality, previous occupation, etc. How could I get more than that from a phone conversation? And I do like you alot, have lots of respect for you, would go out of my way to help you, and consider you a friend and mentor same as I do Bigboy. You are the reason I'm here now, remember. Might not agree with you all the time, but who does? I'll bet even Remey don't.
Gotcha, didn't I,

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