Dave Olson

New Member
The seminars were the reason that I went to the PWNA’s Orlando conference. I got some new things to think about!

I have said before and I will say again “What is a new idea worth to you and your businessâ€. The interaction between people has the potential of spawning new ideas. Many times these new ideas come to us in the conversations that we have with other people in this business!

“Wow, this is worth the tripâ€! This is what a fellow that has been in this business for 27 years told me when I told him about a few things that we do and have done. I did not think that I could tell him anything that he had not already done or tried! Have you ever experienced the joy of giving? It’s neat!

So what if the airline fare was a little more for some vs. others. You can only please part of the people part of the time! I again ask, “What is a new idea worth to you?†The new ideas can come at anytime. During lunch, a chat in the hall, from a vendor, ideas are being exchanged all of the time. You must listen because the information flow is tremendous and you never know when someone will say or show you something that just blows you away. That’s when the lights go on in you mind, and you say to yourself, ah ha!

Yes, the exhibit area had its problems. The heat/cold was not what we wanted in some of the seminar rooms. This is the real world. We have to deal with “Not as we would have wanted†situations all of the time on the job and with our customers. Get over it folks! This is real life!

The PWNA is the only association that represents our industry. These conferences are only as good as WE make them. If you did not like the last conference, tell the Conference committee that you would like to help make the next conference better by providing help, suggestions, etc.

My pennies worth,

Dave Olson

Tidy Powerwash Service, Inc. P.O. Box 781, Catlin, Illinois 61817 Phone 217-427-5557, Fax 217-427-2632 We are a commercial cleaning contractor serving East-Central Illinois and West Central Indiana since 1984. http://www.tps-inc.com/preswash.htm


New Member
Dave I understand the feeling of giving and taking or helping others out, no matter how many years someone has been in the business.

There is always room for learning as long as the person asking has an open mind and is willing to change.

I still have a hard time with somethings, not only the PWNA but any club, business org. or what have you that ask for help from members, be it one or several, takes that help and uses it, but tells the person(s) we no longer need or want your help.

I have been there in the uniform business so I know the feeling well, and a friend of mine in this business is/has just gone though that now, I don't like seeing friends being cast aside after their brains and talent have been picked clean, DO YOU?

Ok you know I am a member so I am not putting the PWNA down, but I do think they need to broaden their horrizons, way out to Washington State, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Europe etc.

I recall a few pressure washers from those countries asking and posting last year here and on Delco, now there are gone, ever ask why? Could it be the way we treated them? Could it be they wanted to join PWNA yet never got replies back from them?

IF IF IF the PWNA lowers the dues to a reasonable figure, IF they start offering truly good savings on things I think more would join.

Another friend here uses the word BUYING POWER, one of us buys from company X and pays xxx dollars for say a 55 gallon drum of cleaner ( cleaner as in any type) now if 10 or 20 of us buy that same item in bulk together but we let them know it gets shipped to different locations I would bet that prices drops WAY DOWN.

I am still learning here, I will always be learning as long as I live, long after I am no longer working but sitting in my rocker watching all the girls go by.

What am I getting at is simple, let's see if all the PWNA members can get them to offer what we REALLY want nd not what the powers that be think we want, then and only then will we all have an org. we are proud of and will say I BELONG TO THE PWNA and am PROUD OF IT.

Who wants to step up on this stump and take my place? I have said enough.

Jon Fleischer
Oasis Pressure Cleaning
(909) 792-2247
Fax (909) 792-5633

Mike Hughes

New Member

Don't get too worked up here...........I admit, I was a bit out of character with that post above. I DO care about the organization.......its just that sometimes I get fed up with all of the negative talk about it. I have better things to worry about in my life then defending the PWNA..........the PWNA will go on with or without me. I am a current member, and I probably always will be. Except I am not one of these people that expects the world from them. Do I think they could do better? Yes. Would I like to have a hand in that? Yes. But, not right now.

I apologize for my negative attitude above.......I even gave it a second thought before I posted it.....but, like I said......I'm fed up with it.

I want to help the PWNA become a stronger, better organization, but I think right now I need to be a little selfish and focus on myself and my own business. I am not in the same stage of the game as you are, Ron.........but, I don't have blinders on........I can see the big picture.......I can see that a better organization makes for a better industry overall, and the benefits of that will be tremendous........but, it doesn't seem like I can be a part of that right now.

I think its hard for the PWNA........they were started on the east coast, so most of the shows have been here. The PWNA signs up alot of members at the shows, so it sort of snowballs..........if they don't have shows out west, they draw less members from out west. I don't know what the answer is.........and, it's out of my hands at the moment.

Forgive me for rambling.......

Mike Hughes
Souderton, PA


New Member
<FONT COLOR="e87400">Jon Things in PWNA may have changed but my business had'nt, recently it is taking a turn that may result in my rejoining PWNA but till now I really had no reason. I had a very distinct market and it's <u>all</u> I wanted. And i know basically all i need to know about it to be an authority in it so,,,I did'nt renew!

Dave I was really looking forward to meeting you there, I'm bummed that I missed you,, . I could'nt spend much time there this time due to a newly aquired business that I had no choice but to maintain. Maybe next time

Cody</FONT c>

<FONT COLOR="e87400">
Hydro-Emulsification Surface Preparation Specialist
</FONT c>


New Member
Listen up all,

Since we seem all pent up on for/against PWNA perhaps Dan can open another section titled PWNA.

I have said this before, it has it's good and bad points.

The really worst point that sticks out to me is when I joined I was given a big brother type person to contact that would work with me when needed, I sent Email, I called and sent snail mail to him. That was over a year ago, still have heard not a peep out of him.

To me if I offer to help someone then I will help him/her, if for any reason I am to busy or not interested I would relay that back to the org. so they can find someone else.

I would also reply to the person assigned to me and explain I am overbooked or not involved or whatever so they can contact the org. also.

This is an open response area, I live in Calif. so they assign someone living in the East as my contact person. I can see only one reason for this, competition yet I would think that they would assign someone much closer to your home area.

Examples: (remember this is only an examlpe) Say I join and they assign Scott Stone or Ron as my contact person, they are close enough to call or visit but far enough not to be concerned I would steal from them.

Now if you lived 50 miles from me home I can understand that easy enough, but 6 hour drive should not be a problem.

Let them realign that system so your contact person is closer to you. Fine not that many live in the West compared to the East and Mid-West but still the closer the better.

So you know I did mention this to Andrew in Las Vegas but I think it went over his head.

Sorry I cannot recall the word they used as the person you are assigned to to act as your big brother.

Am I wrong or does the PWNA have a monthly newsletter that is mailed out to all members? Not water works but a monthly letter with updates on laws, functions, members etc. For the $250 a year they should have, I get not one but TWO from the CRA, a full magazine and a newsletter. My dues there are $250 a year also and it offers 100 times more benefits, sure they have tons more members too.

How about a teaser membership, say first year for new members $125.00 then up it to full membership the second year?

Got tons more ideas but it will cost the PWNA for them. I don't work for peanuts.

Jon Fleischer
Oasis Pressure Cleaning
(909) 792-2247
Fax (909) 792-5633

Mike Hughes

New Member
Jon, the word is <FONT size="4">MENTOR.</FONT s>

I had the opposite experience with my mentor.......they called me!

The mentor system is based on volunteers.......so, it too is not perfect. Of course, only a certain percentage of people are going to volunteer to do that, so, If membership is low out west, and only a few folks volunteer........odds are, you are not going to be assigned a mentor from out west.....

Mike Hughes
Souderton, PA


New Member
Hey, I WAS the Southwest Regional Director for PWNA. They tried that, but alot of the members didn't want to handle contractors in their own areas. My area was All of California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and part of Canada. It was alot of work. I called prospective members that asked for information packets, explained the PWNA, the benefits to the organization and etc. My phone bills were unbelievable, and It was hard to maintain and still run my business. I did all I could. I met with local contractors, and was happy to talk to contractors abroad. Unfortunately the Regional Director program kind of fell by the wayside. But I think it is something that could be beneficial. It just needed more people. We only had 5 Regional Directors for the whole country and parts of other countries. I also had to handle calling all members in my area if their membership dues were late, and other general accounting stuff. It was hard. I am sorry it didn't work out better. I enjoyed having the opportunity to meet and greet new members in my own "area". It established more of a friendship with loval contractors. It was hard to talk to even contractors in Oregon, because the markets are different and not to mention the weather is different. I am in Southern California. Our weather is nothing like what they have. As I have said before, I have worked ALOT with PWNA over the last 5 years now.

Kendra Tillery


Ron Musgraves

Staff member
Cali ,

Are you still affiliated with the pwna? Do they have a regional director appointed for the southwest region?

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ

Ron Musgraves

Staff member
Hey Jon,

Your quote “Got tons more ideas but it will cost the PWNA for them. I don't work for peanuts.â€￾

I hope you’re joking, because this is and organization that does not make profit and relies on members to work for free. When cali was regional person they probably didn’t make a penny? Maybe they can answer that???????

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ

Ron Musgraves

Staff member
Hey, the pwna told me that the closest person west on the board was in Arkansas. Maybe its <FONT size="5"> <FONT COLOR="Brown">bigboy?</FONT c> </FONT s>

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ

[This message has been edited by Ron Marshal (edited March 03, 2001).]


New Member
Yes Ron, I am still affiliated with the PWNA. I am no longer the Southwest Regional Director, but I am the one that wrote the Enviornmental Certification and gave the seminar in Cleveland. I have spoken on quite a few occasions, and I believe contributed ALOT to the PWNA. I have been asked to run for the Board, but didn't want any conflicts with putting on the Certification.

And No I didn't get paid a dime for the position as Regional Director. I don't think they have Regional directors at all anymore.




The name for the "big brother" PWNA assigns is a Mentor as part of their Mentor Program, another of the benefits from membership. I joined in 99, was assigned a mentor and after several attempts to make contact, I called and was assigned another one, a board member I believe. Still waiting to hear from him after several attempts to contact. However, don't need the mentor program now. I have obtained most of the answers to my questions from this board and trail and error. I have found I can get more info from one issue of Cleaner Times than a years worth of issues I received of PWNA publications. Did I renew this year? Well, No. I decided to spend that $250.00 locally with organizations such as my area Chamber of Commerce. What can PWNA do for me? Nothing. When I needed them they weren't there for me. What could I do for them? Well allot, $250.00 worth. As far as the conventions are concerned, I can get that education and more for about the same of less $$$. An example, The supplier I buy most of my equipment and supplies from is offering a 3 day educational seminar on everything from rebuilding pumps to servicing the heater on a hot water unit. At 3 day's of instruction, 3 meals each of the 3 days, 4 nights lodging included.......$500.00. I feel the concept of a National Trade Org. is great and I may rejoin at some point in the future. I know you get out of it what you put in to it, but I'm convinced that putting more into local organizations would benefit me more since I am local too. If I were a National Distributor of Power Washing Equipment, then I can see how a National Org. might benefit me. This is just my experience with PWNA, and my opinion. I hope this does not discourage membership to this organization, but it is however the truth.

"Hmmm, If everyone has a photographic memory... mine must be out of film."

Mike Hughes

New Member
The man from Arkansas is Jim Hill, manufacturer of the Vader truck washing machine........quite an impressive piece of equipment if you've never seen one.

Mike Hughes
Souderton, PA

Ron Musgraves

Staff member
I do agree with glen, maybe the first time but I guess it had to happen sooner or later. Local help would be a better benefit for everyone. Maybe the pwna missed the boat when they stopped trying to be local.

I have solved their problem; commit to have regional shows maybe not quite as large. Maybe four a year, then have a grand daddy show centrally located so its fare to everyone. Maybe Chicago or St. Louis. This would strengthen local members and get them more active.

I think this would cost more for the org. but would defiantly benefit members and save them money. Why don’t they have fundraisers with local chapters giving stuff back to the community? Lets say the boy and girls clubs or helping children. This is a great way to make some money for development and make connections with the community.

I guess I need to write the entire marketing program and send it to them. Local chapters or organizations would be better. They could even conduct their own seminars. Then when they have perfected them they could represent there districts at the national convention. I can’t believe that the pwna have not tried this. Well maybe they will read our posts.

Maybe we could all send them something if we could agree, strength does come in numbers and if we all agreed to sign something maybe we could have some sort of and impact. Or we could just start our own.

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ


New Member
I am aware they need idea's and are not going to pay for them, so from that point I was making a statement, not saying pay me or forget it. I have given them a few idea's in the past, what they do with them is up to them.

Mike and Glenn, thanks for telling me the correct word, Mentor. Like Glenn I learned from the people here and trail and error too. Besides the best way to learn is screw up once and you won't make that same mistake again, well you better not anyway!

Kendra, you are saying that they don't or did not reimburse you for all your phone calls? Seems to me there should be some sort of reimbursment program when making calls for them, for that matter when you spend your money to better them they could offer you a discount on membership, a free year or in some way compensate you.

It is time consuming and I know all to well just how much as I was chapter president of a motorcycle chapter here. My house, my food, my phone bills my my my but I was paid back from the treasurer for out of pocket expense.

I still feel a half price one time offer to new members is a good way to boost it up, and for retention they do need to offer more, also as has been mentioned, East and West branches.

Could I do what Andrew Avery does, NO, and I would be the first to admit it too, not a suit and tie guy.

Ok, will I renew, YES, do I feel I am getting my monies worth, depends but still I feel with more members and more idea's they will grow and be better.

Kendra and Mike, wish we could have both of you one, that would truly chance things.

Enough, we can talk forever obout the PWNA, it is still our only organization for pressure washers and although I have heard others say they are going to start one that will be bigger and better I have yet to see it happen. Would I change, good question, I am a creature of habit, I don't always like change and I think most of you are the same way.

Jon Fleischer
Oasis Pressure Cleaning
(909) 792-2247
Fax (909) 792-5633

Clean County

New Member
Hi Ron,
I also was a member of PWNA last year but I felt for the $250/year membership that they want every year was a little steep for what they provide.
I read Dan's post and I have the same feeling he does about the people at the top. I don't dislike them by no means but I feel that they benefit greatly for being in there positions and us fellow members(or ex as in my case) weren't getting much of any benefits at all. Think about it. What did we really get? Ok we get stickers, a monthly news letter, a plastic PWNA card. Nice but for $250 not worth it. I get a hell of alot more times a 100 using this and other boards along with my Cleaner Times Magazine subscription.
The part of Dan's post I disagree with is that I do believe members can make a difference if they can vote the right people in. But that in itself is not easy to do. For one thing we would need alot of people to sign up who would vote for a viable canidate that would have a better platform for the every day contractor. Once again there could be even problems with this. For example I voted in the PWNA before and I know they inform you who won but do they tell you what the final vote tally was for each winner. I don't recall if they do but if they don't who knows who the real winner is. I think to solve this problem there has to be a better way to vote. Like maybe have the vote on a certain day and to do it online and by the end of the night lets say we use central time zone to close the voting and then release the final vote tally of each candidate and then anounce who the winner is.
If people think there could be any corruption on the vote count then they could list each member and who they voted for so anybody could count up the votes themselves to eliminate the above.
Also each candidate should have a platform to run on. They should explain to us why they would be the best for the positions in this organization.
Another way to do the voting would be to have those different areas across the nation that your talking about where members can get together in there selected place and have them vote there and add it up in front of any member/members who wish to be present at this time. Once that is done send the votes to the PWNA headquarters where the complete total can be added up. Then the PWNA can post how each area voted and the final vote count for each candidate.
Once again this would be extemely tough to do because anybody not involved would have to divvy up $250 just to vote. But hey anything is possible.



OK, one more thing,
I have heard allot about, "members can make a difference, just vote", right? Well think about this, How long will you have to wait and how many years will go by untill the right changes are made? The PWNA is 8 to 10 years old already.
I like what John said about the voting. He had some good ideas in his posts. Another idea I had is shotguning votes. In other words, each member votes for 3 canidates. However, if a group such as we have here all voted for just 1, then we can strengthen our voice. I really feel guilty about not renewing, I feel I am not supporting my trade which in a sense is true I guess. Then again, I'm in business to make money not give it away, and dangit I just to feel I was benefiting at all from the membership. The office products catalog Jon mentioned to me was a slap in the face. It was just like an Office Depot or Staples catalog with PWNA on the front and higher prices. Like we didn't have enough sense to notice, go figure.

"Hmmm, If everyone has a photographic memory... mine must be out of film."

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