Is it just Me?

David Saulque

<b>PWN TEAM - Hood Moderator</b><br<b><font color=
Solution-fly out to California on a low fare rate and I will teach you how to clean hoods and make money. I have never put a flyer out and I have no plans to do so-I would not want my living to hang with the flyer. We can help you if you get the ticket. Spend a week and you can stay with my wife and I.


Richard R.

New Member
David Saulque,

You don't know how much I appreciate that offer. I wish I could.
I am a single parent and have a young boy that starts back to school Tuesday.
Besides, your earthquakes terrify me.
You can hide in the ground from a Texas Tornado but you can't hide from an earthquake.
My hound dog runs from thunder, I can only imagine what he would do in an earthquake. :)

I'm barely making my house payment so I don't think I can justify the ticket anyway.

Hey David, have you heard of any updates on the new exhaust cleaning manual or book thats supposed to be out soon?
If you find out any more about it, let me know.

Thanks Again
Hope all is well with You and Yours.

Richard R.


New Member

What earthquakes, heck guy a little ground shaking like the one we had last night ain't nothing, a small shaking for a few seconds, just enough to wake me up but I'll take our shaking anyday to one of those wild winds you guys get down there.

Besides we don't have not cellar to hide in here, and if we did it would be flooded by the ground water.

Oh well, can't be worrying bout eeeevvvvvvvvvvvvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrthhhhhhhhhinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg.

Darn just had another one.

So you ever been in a truly shake, rattle and rolling EARTHQUAKE Richard?

Love em, as long as my house stays put that is.


Best advice, get a part time job working for someone under the table to help make ends meet. Take Davids offer, Leave the dog home with a neighbor and let your kid stay with family and go see Davids operation. David probably out of all of us has the best business. It's inside, year round, and probably air conditioned. You are in an ideal location for hood cleaning and best of all it's not seasonal. Take David's offer, he won't bite.


Don't feel as you are putting David out, you will be earning your keep so to speak. This a a huge offer on Davids part to invite you in his home. I think it say's a lot for the people we have here on this board.
P.S. David, does this offer apply to me maybe sometime in the future?????????????????


New Member
Richard R.

Sure go ahead and blame Bigboy and me, heck we ain't nothin but a couple hicks anyway! Make that one hick and one citi boy:)

If it makes you feel any better your not alone in doing what you did, others have, I spent 3 month researching this business, then took someone up on an offer to work with him a couple days.

Now I have heard that some don't push the business the first year, I didn't, and the only part of my research I overlooked was the marketing department and I am now getting into it, better late then never.

Richard from all the Email we do I know you have it in you to hang in and keep moving forward. Never ever give up, once you do you will feel you failed, once you feel you failed you are sunk.

Stop this downward mental tend and look UP, put your mind on the positive and you shall achieve it.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Ok I know you don't like door to door stuff so single out the one type of business you want to do like Glenn said and go knock on their doors only, then go back a week later, then mail them something as a reminder OR mail the next week and the folowing week go back in person. Sometimes bugging them they will give you work to get rid of you, not always, very few will but after calling, visiting and mailing for a month back off for a month then pay another personal visit.

If after that you have not recieved their business back off for six month and start over. The more companies you contact the more likely you are to gain accounts.

Hey look at it this way, your pulling someone over for breaking the law, you never had trouble doing that did you? Ok pull up to the prospective customer and approach carefully but with your chin up and a :) on your face.

The more you do it the better and more comfortable you will get at it.

Now out of your house and start in, NO you don't need a suit and tie, just nice things, a company shirt helps but do not waste money on them if you don't have them.
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Michael T

New Member
Richard, I would like to encourage you to hang tuff. How long have you been in business? You know the first 2 years 80% of small businesses fail , dont be one of them. As a suggestion take your flyers to an upscale neighbor hood and use them as door or mail box hangers. Follow the money and target you clientele to those who have money to spend on services. You are providing a service for them. Like David I do Kitchen Exhaust Hoods almost exclusively. I like it because you will be back to see the same customer in just a few short months. Real steady and you dont have to hustle new customers all the time. Being in TX there isnt much of a winter so I dont have an off season. I just south of Austin and I used to clean some hoods up in Temple - Killeen area. It got to be too far to travel so I dropped them and concentrated in my local area. If your interested in venturing into the hood cleaning business drop me an email.

Michael Tessaro


New Member
Pushing Richard towards MichaelT/Centex Assoc.

And Richard is now learning how many friends he has here willing to help him in many different ways.

See guy this board does work for all of us.

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
<b><font color=green>gosh Glenn you will never know if it was good or bad advice.

Richard I'd like to be a little more plain talking not as in harm as some may think.

"poor bady do you want me come hold your hand"...thats what my salesmanager said to me one day when crying on his shoulder about all the NO's and being a bashful person as I am it T'd me off and this was my reply "NO but **** NO,I can handle it" and he said see "I liked that NO why you having a problem with it when its a good word say it again I like hearing it.

Don't blame the person that talked you into this bussiness b/c he knew what he was talking about "its out here and if you want any of it come and get it"

If not working full time or part time you should have all the bussiness you want in a few months or no longer than a year if you work at it.It takes a special breed of a person to be a powerwasher,its something they like doing as in looking "at"" stuff that needs washing,it doesn't matter to them what it is they can clean it,its easier now than before b/c of the bbs's.

Most all trades in this bussiness you'll have slow times,use this as a learning tool as in needing another trade at this time of year in your area to go with the one your doing now.I bet your son can get more NO's then you in a days time but he'll get up in the morning and go ask for more NO's b/c he knows sooner or later he'll get something NOing it could at any time be a spanking or warning,pretty brave guy to keep asking for NO's..
Don't listen to people telling you,your at the end if this or that b/c its where and what you want to do if your that special breed....slow down look around....its looking at ya and you cann't even see it,,,,lol....I got to go to work....more power to ya.

Richard R.

New Member
I can't figure out which post I like best, but I guess it doesn't make any difference. Any way you slice it, this bbs is full of the best young and old geezers in the world.
Hope you don't mind an old saying from the south, but you guys are as tuff as old boot leather. I don't believe there is a better bunch of guys this side of the Canadian border.
I've never seen so much pushing and helping someone you've never even met before.
I don't know if you guys even notice it, but this sure says a lot for your character and this board.
Bigboy, I'm probably going to need your hand b/c I'm going to try to take Michael T up on his offer. I've been wanting to check out the exhaust cleaning part of this profession anyway, so I hope he can help.

You Guys have a Great Day!
Your posts are a prime example of the slogan I put at the bottom of my posts. "Never look down on anyone unless your helping them up."

Thanks a Million
Richard R.


New Member
Hi Richard,
I've been reading this thread off and on. You'll make it. Do you want to know why? I may not have all of the answers, but I can share with you what I see.

I see strength and character in you. I see honesty, and determination. I see a willingness to learn but not the ego of thinking you already have all of the answers. These ingredients spell success to me, not failure. Those who enter into business with all of the answers, with attitude, and unwilling to learn , to change or to grow are doomed to fail because they can not or will not change as they need to. They are not humble, nor can they be humbled.

Stay the course. You, will be just fine.


p.s. it's nice to see all of you guys so in touch with your feelings. Don't worry, I won't tell any women.....;)
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Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
<b><font color=green>LOL,,Naaaa you just think you may need to hold my hand as I thought my salesmanager needed to hold mine,Its in you if you want it.

Go find a chicken house to clean it will help you in finding better stuff to wash as its not the best place to be but good money if priced right.I've helped clean chicken houses which I said I wouldn't do NO more if I didn't need to but will if I need to as in washing anything to stay in bussiness.It will open your eyes as to whats around you that your over looking.

Get away from the little guy b/c he can not afford you as Michael said look at the upscale bussiness or home owners.
Do you think you'll like hood cleaning,its not a real easy market to break into as to some of the other trades.May be a good time to look into flatwork as in learning how to clean with the new chemical they have out now,which alot of accounts will or may go with b/c of the looks.I'm not a none believer,if I was washing flatwork I'd sure give it a try b/c I may be able to make it work where you may not.

Take my trade,alot of washers cann't clean trucks without brushing as to where I hardly ever brush,they have their way and I have mine but both are clean ways of doing it as in learning how to.

Your crossroad is not but your at a stand still not knowing which way or road to take.....again slow down look around,its around you as in washing anything until you key on what you really want to wash then its easy from there on.

I for one don't like puuuunching a time clock,do you,if not go get you some bussiness and laugh at the ones that do b/c its out here if you want to be one of the special breed.

Look at Debi she's on her way and hasn't been in bussiness long and she washes everything,I've seen fences,roofs shes done and it looks as tho she may turn out to be a special breed of powerwasher not knowing the meaning of the crossroad.Don't let the Ladies of this trade out do us as to where they already tell us what to do,you've made it this for NO need in stopping now as some do.Take the son for a drive around town and look at all the sevice trucks,deliever trucks,,hy. eqt.,store fronts.ect......slow down and look.

Do what I did to my salesmanger,if he ask me to do something I'd say NO and ask him does he still like hearing the word NO and if he wanted me to say it again just ask me the same Q'tion or tell me to do something.I'd tell him NO until I got what I wanted which was a yes,I told him I'd teach him how to be a yes man for calling me a bady,lol.Its been 25 years ago he said those words to me"poor bady" and it still hounds me today as in opening my eyes as to none of the customers can eat ya.all they can do is say NO which doesn't hurt near as bad as if they could eat ya.

I'm a route builder I can go into any town or area and build a route for a salesperson and if you think that easy just try it being as bashful as I am ""knowing"" your going to get ALOT of NO's at dad said "cann't never could do nothing".......go ask for some more NO's until you have all the yes'es you want become one of the special breeds in this bussiness

Richard R.

New Member
Thank you very much.
There's nothing like the kind words of a sweet woman.
I'm not real sure I deserve all of those kind words though. My ego never let me see how close I could come to failure. I read other posts where guys who were shutting down and moving on, but never thought I would be one of them so soon.

No ONE thing that anyone said gives me as much courage to keep trying than the generosity, considerate and unselfishness I've witnessed in these guys.
I'm sure some may have set back and privately thought to themselves, "what a baby", because that's the way most men think, but not one of these guys ever did, nor did they make me feel that way.

A man swallows a lot of pride to admit failure.
It can be looked at in many ways, but I believe communications play a big role in survival. I guess it would be like being trapped in a 3 story burning building and expect everyone else to call the Fire Department. How would anyone get help or encouragement if they don't tell someone they need help.

There's not much telling how many people could have changed their fate if they would have just told someone or a friend that they were failing.

Some folks who know me personally know I'm not a real confident person, but even though it's one of my weaknesses I believe I have some strengths.
I feel that one of my biggest strengths is that I live by
honor, not pride.


Richard R.


New Member
Hi Richard,
I understand where you are coming from. Don't you dare give up on yourself. You'll regret it later on if you do. When we are little, we often of these days I'm going to...or when I grow up I'm going to....and then we never do. We reach adulthood, and somehow we lose sight of our dreams. We adjust to what life throws at us and we keep going. If we are fortunate, we find the strength and courage deep within who we are, and we dare to dream, and to strike out on our own and to become the person we longed to be so many years ago.

You had a reason to get started. You have told us all how much you like the business. Don't let anything stop you. During our first year, Rod had to get another job in the winter to tide us over. By the time our second spring rolled around, he knew the next winter would not be that way. He knew he would not go back to working for someone else. And you know what? He didn't. It's that very thought that motivates him and keeps him going when he doesn't want to or things become overwhelming.

Try cleaning awnings, and windows, and concrete, and houses, and anything else you can. Stop by construction sites and talk to them about cleaning up behind the crews. The money is out there. But sometimes you have to dig for it - like burried treasure.

I also understand what it can be like to not have much confidence in yourself. That alone can make you want to throw in the towel, and can make the days tougher. Learn to reward yourself. Let yourself feel good about a job well done. When you see a smile on a customer's face, look long and hard at it. Let it inspire you on the next job, and the next....and so on.

Now then... You deserved every word I said in my prior post. You will make it, because you want it and you realize nothing in life comes easy. I have run into so many people that seem to think that you are going to get it all handed to you on a silver platter, and that someone owes them something. Well, I just don't happen to look at life that way. Those who succeed have extended themselves and put for the effort necessary to do so. They have taken risks, felt worry, and have seen both good and bad times. They didn expect that everything would just go their way, but instead planned carefully and mapped out their path.

If I can ever be of any assistance with marketing, please let me know. Email me. I'll help you in a heartbeat.


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Clean County

New Member
Hang in there buddy. Being a fellow law enforcement officer like you were I understand where your coming from. I've been to funerals from fallen comrades and nothing rips at your heart more then this and to see there families suffer. You know what I'm talking about.

You are a hero. Taking a bullet to the chest and surviving that and to end up in the powerwashing field I have nothing but the utmost respect for you.

I generally don't reveal to much about myself as a rule. But reading your post as of late makes me proud to admit to you then I am in law enforcement and I'm pulling for you ta make it.

If you can get shot and survive that and pick yourself up to start another career then you know and I know that you can make it in this industry. Even if you don't you will still have my utmost respect regardless.

I have 2 employees who work for me and even though I am a fulltime Police officer(Thank God for 12hr tours and being steady nights) I often consider on retiring when I have 20yrs on(only a few more years to go)to do this field exclusively so I can expand to the point where I want to be. Thats my dream and I know if you can ride out these slow times you can make it.

Good luck. And if there is anything I could do to help just drop me an e-mail anytime.
Take care John/Clean County Powerwashing


New Member
um ok just to knocking holes in siding YES I HAVE SEEN THE MASACURE FROM OTHERS AT jobs too much pressure and cracking windows.



New Member
about a month ago, i went to Barnes & Noble and asked their service desk if they had any books on power washing or pressure washing and the clerk was clueless!

i could hardly believe it. i guess i thought "everybody" knew what it was.


Originally posted by wendy
about a month ago, i went to Barnes & Noble and asked their service desk if they had any books on power washing or pressure washing and the clerk was clueless!

i could hardly believe it. i guess i thought "everybody" knew what it was.

This book gave me a lot of good info on the subject


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Dan S

New Member

I run into that with some customers
Some of them never had or heard of the idea of mobile washing!!

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