Lord hear our prayer


New Member
I know many of you will join me in praying for those who have died or have been injured today. I also pray for those men and women who are helping and protecting this fine nation.

May God give President Bush and the Defense Department the wisdom and guidance to lead and protect our nation in this time of tragedy.

In His name we pray.


New Member

The latest I heard was another plane...this one targeted the White House, west wing. The Pentagon was hit too, along with both towers of the World Trade Center. I pray it ends there.

I am too close to this for comfort. Rod was due to go down there (DC) today, but luckily was still in the Dr.'s office and is not going.

Metro has closed in DC.

A car bomb just went off at the State Department.

Shawn George

New Member

I just don't know what else to say.......my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone effected by this. Also to our nation and our President who will now have to take action.....
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Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
You guys,

Just beat me too this post. I am in shock. I just was on may way to work and heard. I reset my job and raced home. This real bad.

God Bless everyone. I can't understand how this could have happen. Who knows what we are in for, for the rest of today and the near future. This is the beginning of war.

Talk to you guys later

Shawn George

New Member
9/11/01 10:30am

Philadelphia has been evacuating high rise buildings and the historical areas of the city as well as all govenment buildings.

All city schools are being closed by noon.

The park that houses the Liberty bell and other historic landmarks has been closed and the area around has been evacuated.

What's happening where you are?

Hope to hear something from the President soon....

Yeah Dan, looks like war is coming.


New Member
Speachless is the word here.

I tend to look at the whole picture and from what I have been able to get my cousin to say to me a little while ago is not good news.

What next?

If our country finds out 100% who is behind it do we go and destroy that country or do we sit back and do nothing but mouth off and make threats as before?

I feel for the people in those planes as well as the one on the way to Los Angeles who are just going about their lives when some (unspoken words) took that away from them and their familes.

I am deeply hurt and saddened by this, am not my normal self.

Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
The down town area in Houston is shut down. Most schools and businesses are shut down or are letting people go home to their families.

This is the worst attack since Pearl Harbor. I have to admit this has effected me deeply. I am having a real hard time swallowing this. When I saw the tape of the builds falling and the airliner hitting the building I lost it. I don't think I cried harder in my life, and I am having a hard time right now.

Thinking of the people on the planes and in those buildings is sickening. I think the PA. plane must of had a struggle. Considering where it went down.

I have no idea why this is so hard for me to take. I just can't believe this. The things to come are not going to be good. I hate to push blame on anyone. But how in the hell can this happen in this country. Is our government complacent ????

Dan S

New Member

I cant get away from the t.v i was getting ready to go to a job and called the guy to cancel.........he had family in the world trade

i dont have nothing else to say now


New Member
The company I work for (other job) closed. Our schools closed and the kids are home. Rod's not sure if he is going out or not. We are watching TV too. A friend of mine is in shock. His best friend works for the World Trade Center and could have been at one of 4 locations. He can't reach him.


New Member
Been pretty much glued to the TV also, Dan your not alone when you said your eyes got wet, many of us cried also and I feel it is normal for people of both sexes to let their emotions go like that.

The one thing that pretty much eat my heart out was the little girl of about 3 or 4 crying, could not tell if that was her mother or just a lady trying to comfort the girl.

Why is it that these "B" need to destroy familes to make a statement?

Los Angeles is almost totally shut down, my son works for a company with worldwide offices, NY being right there so no word till around 11 our time, all are ok there but the comany shut down both NY and Chicago but are keeping Los Angeles and Seattle open since they have photographers all over the world and pictures come in and go out 24 hours a day.

feel free got to their open website:



New Member
Ok tell me how we can allow or TV stations to ever consider showing the Palistinines jumping up and down, waving flags and showing how happy they are that we have been attacked?

Could this mean they are all a part of it?

We should limit what is allowed to be shown right now on tv, showing pictures like that will incite riots against those that live here legally, just like what happened to the Japanese during WW2.


New Member

Something that was sent to me from a friend...thought I would share it with you all.

Just repeat this phrase and see how God moves!!
Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, please.
And now, during this terrible tragedy that has hit America, Bless
all those who are in desperate pain, Be with them and
their dear ones', And put an end to this terrorism and killing ...


Pass this message to as many people as you can. Let's
stand together and pray for a miracle to happen .......

God Bless!

P Austin

New Member
Everything here in The west Michigan area seems to be shutting down as well today. All of the government agencies are closed, most if not all of the schools have been let out and closed. The local mall (a big one) has closed it's doors earlier today, the local airport has shut down--like all of the others. They are not letting any one into the terminals at this point. The national guard has ben put on alert, and has just placed a sign requesting for all veterns of all branches to volunter---for what exactly i am not sure of.

I am one of the lucky ones, I don't know anyone directly involved in any of the incodents; however, I do know many indirectly involved (military, govt workers, airline staff, etc.

I hope some day all of the binladens of this world are removed from society.

I also pray for all of the families affected by this tragedy both here and abroad, as the world trade towers hade not only us workers in there, but also officials from other countries. The world trade center was the meca of the us banking headquarters for other countries.

God bless and help those who are in need when ever possible.

Paul Asutin


New Member
world trade center

My prayers go out to all of the people and familys affected by what happened today. I live in a small town in florida and i know 3 people who have had relatives hurt and killed today. this affects everybody not just new york and washington. Lord give President Bush the balls to do the right thing. now is the prefect opportunity to take out not only the people responsible for today but any other terrorists who prey on the innocent around the world,or countrys who harbor terrorists.

Mike Hughes

New Member
I really don't even know what to say in the wake of this terrible tragedy. Unbelievable.

The captain of the second plane to hit the towers lives in our area......just saw that on the news.

It is amazing how far-reaching the effects of something like this really is if you stop to think about it.

Let's pray for those affected, and hope that we catch the #$^%#$^'s that did this........and bring them to justice........hopefully a slow, painfull justice.

Dan S

New Member
the country is still glued to the T.V as well as the radio..... i watched it my self from 8.00 am till about 11.00 pm
i could'nt sleep so im up at 4.00am watching it again and reading here on the net

YES we are all angry but please lets let GOD move across this country with our prayers ..and yes we can do it with a somewhat kind heart. becarefull how you PRAY....refrain from the cussing rather it be %$#^..... or the actual words.. it wont change a thing, if we go to the level of these insane people that did it...


GOD BLESS AMERICA..............


New Member
Guys I love this country but we religious people know that when a country turns its back on God as this country has (God out of schools and so forth) that God will turn his back on you. Now dont get me wrong Prayers work miracles but regardless his will we be done weather or not we like it is another story. So dont look at this situation to lightly this is serious.


Moderator / Sponsor
One of our "Forefathers' I believe it was either; George Washington, Abe Lincoln Thomas Jefferson or ?

Declared many years ago that America would be a great nation as long as America feared God! (Or something to that effect)

You history buffs might want to look that up?

Definitely something to think about heh?

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