Oil Booms


New Member
Hey all, Was wondering about the oil booms, pillows and such, are they good to use to catch the oil instead of useing pumps when doing flat work? They say they are reusable. how many times, and what is there usefull life? would like to hear any input that i can get. thanks loads



New Member
Oil booms and pillows, I have found are better strictly for emergency spill clean up. They are so difficult to work with, and then having to clean them, and making sure you clean them in a place that isn't going to run into a storm drain, etc. A real headache. We do all flat work, and we found a vacuum system, and filtration system is actually faster and easier to manage.Beleive it or not. It cut our time by about a third as opposed to the socks and pillows. Besides, there are still alot of things that will not get removed from the water with those options that you still need to worry about.



New Member
Thanks cali, ill keep that in mind and put the vac boom on my want list. untill then ill keep doin it the way im doin now ....till then enjoy.....john



One of my customers let me in on an idea he uses now. He has a shop vacuum and a modified truck inner tube. He cut a hole in the tube and installed an adapter that he hooks up to the garden hose. He used a large tire patch to adapt it. He puts the tube around the storm drain and fills it up with water. This stops the run off water from going in the storm drain. He has a heavy attachment on the end of the vacuum hose and he puts it near the tube to suck up the water. He uses a brick and two rubberbands to weight it down. The vacuum has the pump out feature on it . He runs a garden hose from the vacuum to a sewer pipe or the nearest toilet. That is thje cheapest water recovery system you can buy and it satisfyes the EPA. The only thing you have to find out is if the city you are in will accept that water without a permit.

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