Top hundred things a customer should look for in a pressure washer.

Ron Musgraves

Staff member
Top hundred <FONT COLOR="Red">things a customer should look for in a pressure washer.</FONT c>

1. licensed
2. insured
3. legitimate
4. worker compensation
5. clean cut individuals
6. state of the art equipment
7. comes on time
8. never misses
9. complies with all request
10. listen to customer
11. always polite
12. gives a written guarantee
13. does what he says
14. only works in writing
15. will not damage property
16. fully educates customer on expectations
17. Give chemical safety data sheet.
18. Removes all gum and oil every time he does job.
19. professional looking.

<FONT size="5">I know there are many reasons why customers want to use certain people. here a few I thought of real quick. How many more do you think there are? <FONT COLOR="Red">Things a customer should look for in a pressure washer.</FONT c></FONT s>

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ


1) Belt drive
2) Hot water
3) At least 3000 psi
4) At least 5 gpm
5) Easy to service
6) 120v burner
7) Beckett or Wayne burner
8) General or AR pump
9) 16 hp engine or larger
10) Laydown Coil assy

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New Member
Hey Whiz,

I think you misunderstood Ron's question, he wanted to know what a CUSTOMER should look for when hiring a pressure washer. I agree it does not at first seem that way, Ron just plum forgot to put in that word.

I doubt many customers know or understand all about the things below.

Not trying to pop your ballon, yes if a pressure washere asked what should I look for in a maching then your right on.

1) Belt drive
2) Hot water
3) At least 3000 psi
4) At least 5 gpm
5) Easy to service
6) 120v burner
7) Beckett or Wayne burner
8) General or AR pump
9) 16 hp engine or larger
10) Laydown Coil assy

Jon Fleischer
Oasis Pressure Cleaning
(909) 792-2247
Fax (909) 792-5633

[This message has been edited by Jon (edited January 31, 2001).]


New Member
Well Ron, it seems I have to diagree with you once again although not completely. On your list of what customers should look for, you put

4. worker compensation
Why would my customers look for this. Workers Comp protects both the employees and the employer. If one of my workers were to get hurt, workers comp would compensate for damages. We would both benefit, meaning me, the employer would be protected from suit, and the employee would be compensated for damages but what if I didnt have employees. Many people in this profession operate alone. A contractor carrying workers comp would be of no benefit to the customer if this sole proprietor were to get hurt. In other words, my workers comp protects me, not my customers. I could still sue them if I could prove it was their fault. In order for them to be protected from legalities resulting from my injury they would have to maintain a workers comp policy themselves. Maybe I should be asking my customers if they carry workers comp. For information purposes, I do carry workers comp for my protection and also in my state it is elective if you employee less than 3 workers.If Im wrong about this please let me know. I have been known to be wrong on a few occasions.

5. clean cut individuals
Yes, I am clean cut, shave daily and a hair cut (close #2 guard) every couple weeks and yes I agree that it would have affect on certain customers, but the guys with long hair and beards, possibly a slight smell about them and lets throw in a few piercings while were at it, have their place in this business such as those jobs that I personally do not care to do.Much like a recent post about gang members asking a contractor to not remove graffiti from a wall. I dont go to these neighborhoods. There are people who will hire these types and the people who hire these types I do not care to work for. These types have no chance in my market. What happens when these guys decide to clean up and get out of these places? Then who will do the jobs I dont want to do. They like the way they look. They like doing what they do. If they didnt they would clean up.Please dont educate them. Let them continue to do what they are doing so I dont have to. What would happen if we all wanted to be president? Who would do all the other dirty work? I'm glad God had a creative sense about him and didnt make us all alike and most definately didnt have a single standard. This world would be pretty screwed up if we all thought, acted and looked alike.

6. state of the art equipment
Once again, I can assure you that a brand new state of the art pressure washer with all the latest bells and whistles is not necessary. In certain situations, a pressure washer is not even needed. Remember the post about the x-jets and extension wands. If your using pressure to wash a house, your wasting your time. ( dont bother asking me how. Like others on this board, there is only so much I will tell and I just told it)What about painters? Does the painter with a Top of the line airless sprayer do a better job than a guy with a $3 roller? I personally roll the decks I seal not because I cant afford an airless, by the way, I have one, but I feel I get a better job with a roller. Of course I guess it could be a state of the art roller.

17. Give chemical safety data sheet.
Why in the world would I do this? Do you think they would know what they were looking at? What use would it be to them? Why dont I just tell them how to wash the house while Im at it. ( and know I have nothing to hide, if they asked I would show them and yes I have them on the truck)

My customers need to know one thing. That I will guarantee their satisfaction. How will they know this you ask? Because I am honest with them. I do not hide behind words and papers. As a matter a fact when Im talking to customers, other than briefly tell them the scope of the work and answer any questions they have we talk about whatever the conversation leads to. Weather, sports, news, their pet, kids, church, life, anything. This way they get to know ME. What kind of person they are dealing with. Of course Im in the south. Just us plain ol country folk. Not real bright like the rest of the world.

If my post appears to be sarcastic,it wasnt directed at you. I was only trying to answer the questions as I went that will be picked to death by somebody called 2 guys.

Ron, this being only my second post, I am probably in no postion to say this but please give it a break on the surveys. Cant you see where the board is going. Everyone has lead to a slugfest and Im sure this one will too, especially since I have started it in that direction. Not purposely, but only to express my god given opinion.

In the words of Forest Gump, "thats all I got to say about that"





New Member
<FONT COLOR="e87400">Hey Les

If I'm not mistaken most commercial acounts do require WC or an Exemption. At least in my state they do.

As far as the rest of your post......You're Right On!

Cody</FONT c>

<FONT COLOR="orange">This Business is Great
Hydro-Emulsification Surface Preparation Specialist </FONT c>

Dan S

New Member
every time i went for a fleet contract they ask me for workmans comp.I dont have it however but they always ask. I have no employees except for my wife. but i get my to fax them my ins. and it states that i dont need the comp. because im a sole proprietor.
i do have to agree with Les on the clean cut issue everybody will have a dif. out look on what is good looking.
m.s.d.s fleet managers need them ,,i dont offer them to to any other job except contract work.
you can have top of the line ....state of the art equipment but if you dont keep it clean looking it wont mean crap to a customer..they dont know [unless you " educate " them ] that you always have the best eq.
i have seen your 50 year old landa .ya know the one on the trailer with all that plumbing..
laughing.gif just joking here not trying to start a argument.....

i do think however people get out of hand in there reply's because....they either have nothing better to do. or this is the only hey can act tough because in a real life situation that could'nt handel a confrontation............

[This message has been edited by Dan S (edited February 01, 2001).]

Ron Musgraves

Staff member
Hey les,

It’s not a survey, its real fundamental information. You’re right some will not apply to you. You have added other aspects to look at. No intention of talking about principals here. This is a Very simple information page. Ken you contributed to the post and I plan on adding what ever I can derive from your post that’s positive as well.

Maybe I come off to you as being a troublemaker. I just like to get people thinking about what they are doing and have fun while I’m doing it. This is a very simple just add answers if you have. Them if you don’t read the ones there.

Hey if you want to argue just post something about chemicals. That would fire everyone up, we could get nineteen hundred reasons why to use something on surface that you know the chemical will cause damage to. Please start another thread because I don’t want to get this one closed.

Oh yah, the workers comp is there to protect the homeowner and the corporation as well as you. Lets face it if you employee gets hurt and you don’t have insurance you can count on almost any major corporation has insurance. Most likely the lawyers wont get anything out of us. But McDonalds, general electric, cities and a host of others are insured to the hilt. Homeowners are usually insured. Les you have never had anyone get hurt other than your family on your property? In my state you are responsible as the property owner. I had a landscaper that I hired and I checked out he had insurance. One of his guys got hurt while trimming my trees and went by ambulance to the hospital. Few months later I get a call from his attorney how was I going to pay Mr. Sandoval’s medical bills and lost wages. I informed him the name of the insurance company and the landscapers name as well. I told his I had called the insurance company and verified that he was covered and I was not paying anything. I called my attorney and asked him if I would get sued. He said only if my homeowners didn’t cover it. I explained to him that I checked the guy’s policy to see if it was good. He told me I was going to be responsible for any damages that insurance company doesn’t cover. The guy was insured and his workers comp picked up the tab. In my state it is required if you have employees. Businesses wont even talk to you with out a certificate proving you have insurance.

Have a great day and thanks for posting.

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ

Ron Musgraves

Staff member

We agree on this again, that’s great. There’s nothing here to agree with or disagree with.
Les was right on about not making this post into and argument.
I’m glad you feel that way too.

You have a good day, I hope you sell a couple today.

Dan. S .

I guess I need show you my good equipment too. No it looks just like the others. I probably could do a better job at maintaining my stuff. I ‘m hard on my equipment, I see a lot of guys that have chrome this and chrome that. I think that can turns a customer off as well. Too much flash is probably no good either. Clean older rigs I think are ok. I have seen some real junks; personally I would not hire them. I know that others do feel different and that’s there choice.

Really my reasons are just to develop a fundamental base to get everyone thinking about what customers want to see on the surface. Individuals make companies. You may have better equipment but that doesn’t mean you do a better job. I hope everyone realizes this.

Dan you have a great day too, you will sell something today I just have a feeling.

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ

Craig Knight

New Member

In the uppity neighborhood (70k people) i do 75% of my residential work in, the state of the art, high powered, impressive looking, shiney new looking equipment gets me the jobs. I know this for a fact, they have told me that their competition came to give a proposal after me and "they didnt even have a trailer, it was all in the back of their truck." and they laughed at them. This has happened plenty of times.

So, heres my point, if you dont think shiny new state of the art equipment won't get you the shiney new, state of the art customers, your wrong. BUT, will the shiney new state of the art equipment do a better job, not necessarily. You stated before that you dont need heat. I believe that is so true, you don't, this is from the techniques and chemicals you use. I personally have my own techniques, and some of them require heat. This is a too each his own type of situation. Over all on this subject, there is no way for anyone to be correct, its a 6 one way, half a dozen another situation.

Now on the clean cut issue. Ever notice how everyone defends the way they are. If we were talking pw brands, everyone would say that theirs is the best. Insurance, theirs is the best, ford, chevy, dodge, thiers is the best. You know what i mean. Well, i have to admit, my hair is usually kept, but i cant stand to shave!!! i hate it. So i will go 3 or 4 days between shaving. First day i get the stubble, second day it looks good, third day it's too long, fourth day i cant sleep because it bothers me, so i go shave. I have had people ask me how i keep my beard so short, that every time they see me i have the 3 day beard look, and i just tell them you must see me every 3rd day....Never lost a job, that i know of because of my unwillingness to shave. My barber even asked if i wanted a shave and i said go ahead and she did, but when she finished, it still looked the same, and she said she thought that is how i kept it. We laughed and i told her no, i will i could have that laser surgery where i wouldnt ever have to shave.

Craig Knight


New Member

First let me say you did a really beautiful job on my logo, I will try to post it so all can see it here.

Second, not directed just to you since others seem to also agree, just what is wrong with a beard if it is kept trimmed and neat?

I don't have long hair but as you see in pictures here many of us have beards and I have yet to find a customer that feels it is offensive.

If you guys want to see the whole card just ask and I will post it, again Les was totally involved in it and did a fantastic job.

Jon Fleischer
Oasis Pressure Cleaning
(909) 792-2247
Fax (909) 792-5633

[This message has been edited by Jon (edited February 01, 2001).]


New Member
<FONT COLOR="e87400">Hey Craig

I think you missed the point. The Topic started out as "Top hundred things a customer should look for in a pressure washer." For that a state-of-the-art rig is not a qualifer. Anyone can have a state-of-the-art rig, but do they know how to use it.

I do agree with you that YES it can definately help you sell but it don't mean you can clean

Cody</FONT c>

<FONT COLOR="orange">This Business is Great
Hydro-Emulsification Surface Preparation Specialist </FONT c>


New Member
Hey Jon, keep the beard, it helps cover that ugly mug of yours.....just kidding. I have nothing against them. I think that was my point that everyone was different and that was something that customers shoulnt look for.

Craig, to be truly honest, in the bussier months I am no different from you. I tend to go for a few days sometimes before shaving. Most of my work is in new construction and appearance of equipment or apperance of me makes no difference to them.

Dan, your probably right. It is time to upgrade that old Landa. I wouldnt know how to act if I had one that the plumbing didnt leak all over the place. I would think something was wrong.

Cody, youre right too. Commercial accounts always ask for workers comp, but in the past when I worked alone they didnt require me to have it.

Ron, I think you proved my point about the workers comp. Sure the guy had it and it covered the damage, but that wasnt the reason you didnt get sued. The guy just didnt pursue it.

This post is my whole reason behind not setting any standards for this profession. Everyone is different and operates different. Standardizing would screw up a very good thing for all of us not just the ones who couldnt or wouldnt comply. It is up to us and should always be up to us to set our on standards. I sure would hate for all the hamburgers to taste like McDonalds. I like a Whopper every now and again. They can spend millions of dollars on ads that are geared at trying to convince me that theirs is better, but my decision is usually based on which one has the 2 for a $1 this month. After all, a hamburger is a hamburger.



[This message has been edited by Les (edited February 01, 2001).]

Scott Stone

New Member
In Arizona it is nearly impossible to sue someone once you have made a workmens comp claim. The lawyers that know even will tell you that our laws in this regard are nearly bullet proof. The only exception is gross negligence.
As for accounts asking for insurance, The first thing I am asked for on any major account is my Workmens Comp insurance and my Liability Inusrance. They will not even let you on the property without it.
As for the appearance of the rig. I think that it depends on what you are doing and if the responsible person of the company sees you. Sorry, but I don't think that people like seeing a trashed rig washing their trucks. They think that you do not know how to clean or something, and what is wrong with a little chrome? Like I said it, depends on what you are doing.

Any statement that I make about equipment, processes or your hair color is my own personal opinion. I usually base it on personal experience. If you disagree with me you are free to reply on both the BBS and by e-mail. If I am totally off base please explain why on the BBS so that we may all know why;)
Bus. Phone 480-834-3434
Cell Phone 602-509-9741

Dan S

New Member
Hey Ron i have two landa my mind they are the best and only sure there we be other's that will difer. but no big deal.

i do have a tip for ya and i guess i should of put it in the tip section.but here again you may know this.

if you want to keep your landa skid looking new; spray some W D-4O. that black dull frame work comes to life and stays that way fer awhile..and it does a great job on the stainless sure you got to use caution when spraying in certain area's.....when in doubt spray a rag and then wipe...

forgive me for changing the subject and for the mis- placement of post.

hey thank you i did sell something today !!


Ron Musgraves

Staff member

most of my rigs dont have any paint. i get them ryno coated. trailers are ryno coated too. paint stinks and so does wood in trailers.

Ron Marshal Phoenix AZ



I was just being honest and funny at the same time. I knew what you were saying. I just wanted to see if anyone actually reads my posts or not. Seams like I have been replaced on this board by other members. Just wondered if anyone listens to what I say.

------------------ If You have a problem with your machine, just ask me for help. Check out the Machine Problem Board

[This message has been edited by Hot Water Wizard (edited February 01, 2001).]


New Member
Thank you for your well thought about reply Two Guys. By the way, are there really two guys or just one with two personalities. It seems we have been seeing the other guy lately instead of the one that originally posted to the board.

Best wishes to you and your Friend,



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