Search results

  1. P

    need correct chemical for tinted windows

    What is the correct chemical to use for tinted windows please - the homeowner says I should not use anything with ammonia in it - does anyone have a recommendation? Thanks -
  2. P

    pricing storm windows

    I lost my shirt! ( figuratively ) This lady in East Point, GA had 2 layers of storm windows and 2 main sashes - essentially 12 frigging panes interior/exterior that I had to clean - what a ***** - x 20 windows - took me 7 hours with help. needless to say I bid sight unseen on a much more...
  3. P

    would like to buy a flatwasher/need advice

    I showed up for an estimate for a 240 foot by 12 foot driveway the other day - the lady said she had an estimate for $300.00 - I was astounded because I had figured 2880 square feet at .50 cents sq ft - now, thats $1440 - I cut the figure down to $750.00. Obviously, I was puzzled and told...