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  1. S

    Sign up for PayPal

    This is the Best Way to Pay for all your Auctions. <br> <br> <!-- Begin PayPal Logo --> <A HREF="" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="" BORDER="0" ALT="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"></A> <!-- End PayPal...
  2. S

    SAFETY A must read for all

    Safety Safety Safety Hi All, After reading some of the post I thought I would write this as a reminder for all the pros and the new guys. Most of us on this board work for and by our self, we need to always keep one thing on the top of our priority list. SAFETY FIRE Fire...
  3. S

    When is it time to stop

    Hope everyone had a busy summer. This being my first year doing PW I have a question. When is it time to stop. I have a few more decks lined up for cleaning and sealing. But the temp is falling to around 50-70. When is it to cold to seal decks? Any advice will help.
  4. S

    Water tanks

    Hi All, I going to pick up a 300 gal. water tank in the morning. The guy I'm buy from has a few of them. 8 as far as I know. A new one from what I can find out is around $300 he is selling them for $100 each My question is if anyone here would want one also. I will post a...