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  1. C

    Dealership Cars

    I have a new account with a dealer, washing about 110 cars. Like to know if i can wash a car and not hand dry it. Dealer want's a spot free looking car, which is understandable. Is there something i can use to get away from hand drying it or is it best to hand dry?
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    Cement Trucks

    Like to know what would be a good way to get the drums clean? Have an account withvery bad looking drums. Not full of cement but dirt i can not get off. kinda hard to explain. customer would love for me to get them looking good. Drums are red so they show the dirt really well...
  3. C

    Need hot Pressure Washer

    Any sponsers out there who can send me a catalog on hot pressure washer? Looking for 3000psi or bigger, as to be gas.
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    Hello everyone. I started washing trucks and trailers in march, and made lots of money. getting alot of people asking about washing houses. my ? is do u brush or just spray? and what kind of soap should i use. Please help need more MONEY. thanks for anyone who can help me...
  5. C

    house soap

    thinking of getting into house washing, like to know what kind of soap should i use. thanks to anyone who responds