A good year


New Member
Well been a few years since last I was here, in that time I started a new job at a hardware store. Why would I start a new job working for someone else, well I it could be a great place for connections. 2006 I only did 5 pressure washing projects, last year I completed 34 pressure washing projects including Wal Mart, and doing a project for a realitor, as well washing the trucks at the hardware store which a great way to advertise the business. Plus now going into 2 yrs there the contractors know I've been there and the job is secure. Home owners have used my services, have also completed 2 historical projects one project 80 yrs old cedar shakes removed the paint, the other guy who claims to pressure wash only washed the paint of dirt and debris before painting and the paint started breaking down 2 yrs later. The guy never got up a ladder he's just a rip off artist the height of the building is 1 1/2 stories. The 2nd project was an old army barracks 200 yrs old it was pretty scary as the roof has a steep pitch, house is 2 1/2 stories high with cedar shingles and had not been done before (15) yrs old and pretty mildewy. I used a ladder, safety line & harness along with skateboard runners. used hot water on the shingles and a good detergent and brushed it in rinced and never so glad to get down to earth, and it was great because the gutters I had to clean of debris also got me some more cleaning to do.
After each project since starting this business out West in 2002 I've always given out Thank You cards & Christmas cards, this year several customers will be looking forward to seeing me in the Spring. As well also joind a networking group who meets twice monthly and also have an ad going to no avail, will be changing companies for a new ad.
Also my wife put us into a Chinese auction for 4 hrs free pressure washing time to get into charities we figured out the cost for us, not a loss really.
Also started a 2nd small business have done 2 projects already junk & debris removal 2nd project 2100 kilograms of old crappy gyproc/drywall/mud, oh the homeowner also manufactures green bins which is for food scraps out here he'll be getting in touch with me for waste programs meaning out here we get rid of our food scraps to be turned into compost that people can buy for gardens. Also purchased a new 250 gal poly tank. Been in contact with a few courier & truck companies & 1 cemetary historical cleaning.
On the cemetray what's the best way to clean & what to use as detergent if at all and how low on the pressure and regulate water. Looking forward to a better year.


New Member
Welcome back. Keep reading more about wood restoration on the various forums. Sounds like you are doing some good things with yourself.

The Wash Guys

New Member
Caution with cemetary headstones!

Glad to see you're up and running.

We considered cleaning headstones with our power washer and were fortunate to have a friend in the headstone business that let us practice on some old (unused :) ) ones. The lithochrome pealed out of there so quickly that we decided not to do it. Lithochrome is $100/gallon and it needs to be carefully handpainted if you remove it. The liability was simply not worth the limited income.

The Wash Guys
New Mexico

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