Announcement from BlastMaster


New Member
Some of you have expressed dissatisfaction and are having difficulty getting a response from BlastMaster Magazine right now. Normally I would not step in and speak for Lee Perkins, but as readers I believe you need to know the publication is very much alive and well.

One of the staff and a close personal friend of many years to Lee Perkins is in critical condition in ICU. Her kidneys are failing, dialasys is no longer an option, and she has Hepititus C. Her wait on the transplant list is 3 to 4 years out, and her kidneys can't wait. Lee has been by her side as much as possible. This has been a very difficult time for us all.

We apologize if anyone has not received their June issue. It is my understanding that they were mailed, although they did run a little late. Anyone who has not gotten their June issue can email me at and I will see to it that an issue is mailed as soon as possible, upon Lee's return. Please title your email "BlastMaster".

We thank you for your patience and your prayers during this time.



New Member
coincedently,i just emailed blastmaster yesterday notifying them that we have not received the last 2 issues,i wish lee perkins the best of luck,and i have no objectivity to waiting for the back issues whenever they arrive,some things are more important than than the small subscription fee,but i do miss the good reading.

best of luck in your recovery lee.

Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
I had a chance to talk with Lee recently and heard of the bad news as well. She is such a wonderful person and compassionate friend. We wish Lee and her close friend the world. We can only pray and hope for the best. Good Luck :)

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