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Ok.. the past 2 weeks have been WONDERFUL!! 8 jobs bid 7 recieved and 3 lined up for next week already, which leads me into my question. I would love to keep this pace going as it's about all I really want, much more would burden me and make me feel uneasy about deadlines guarenteed to customers. So after the initial hype of spring and the weather breaking (today it was 82 [green] ) I understand that things are going to slow down. I am working on a better vehicle for advertising for my vehicles by getting a 8x10 enclosed trailer wrapped, and vinyl lettering and such for my truck. Now I understand those are constant advertising when rolling down the road. I'm just curious as to what some others do for advertising that dosen't neccessarily cost a lot but find effective. I was considering hosting a car wash for my daughters soccer team with myself running the equipment, in order for them to pay for new uniforms. I'm just trying to be creative here with new ways to get my name out there. I've already got the basic listing in the phonebook as it was free, and passed out 1500 flyers so far and 3000 more going out next week to targeted neighborhoods. I'm also working in conjunction/partnership with 3 landscaping groups on a referral basis. I just would appreciate anyone who's started out I would like to know how you really got name recognition out there and the means and vehicles necessary to do so.

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