Black streaks


New Member
What do you use to remove the black streaks from gutters? We did a house recently and they requested we remove the black streaks. It was a large 2 story home. We used a product called TR-5000 which is a citrus based degreaser. The product worked pretty well, but we had to brush all the gutters. We worked our a** off to get them clean. What do you use that can be sprayed on and rinsed, and do you price this as an extra service? We charged extra for this service.
Thnaks and God Bless!!!!!
Mark, La.

Mike Hughes

New Member
For the last three years, I have been using Gutter Zap. I have never used a brush on a gutter. If it doesn't come up perfectly clean, I tend to not worry about it. If I see a gutter that is especially dirty (streaks), I tell the customer up front that it will make a drastic improvement, but they will not go away entirely.

Most times it works really well, unless the streaks are really bad.

Barry Loy

New Member

I have noticed that if the gutters are factory white aluminum they tend to clean easier. However, if they have ever been painted, and I mean ever, I have learned it's best to leave them alone. It seems as though once they have been painted the stains attach themselves through the paint and its better left well enough alone. As I stated earlier though, if its bare white aluminum you're working with, you can leave them( most times ) just like new.


Barry Loy

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