Chemical Question?


New Member
I recieved a call yesterday from a bank asking me about an estimate to clean their drive thru's and their building. I have done drive thru's in the past and know what to use to clean them. My question is about the building. The top of the bank has a 4' wide trim all the way around the building of exposed white aggregate stone and has 10 columns at the front of the building with this same stone. The stone is supposed to be white but has mildewed over the years so it has that black tint. I first thought about just using a bleach mix to clean it but the problem is the entire bank is surrounded by shrubs. I do not want to kill all their shrubs. Any suggestions about a product I can use without causing damage to the plants? Any and all suggestions are welcome!
Tony Ell
Quik Clean



Hey tony welcome to the board.
you can use the bleach with no problem as long as you wet down the scrubs then rinse them down again real good when you are through, perhaps even do a section at a time and if theres plants it may be ok too, but we would just cover with a tarp,especaily if you are useing hot-water close to the plants or scrubs, we have never had a problem doing it this way.

hope this helps.
Jim & Shirley


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