Clean White Stone


New Member
I'm trying to get a job cleaning a church that has white stone, it is very dirty, almost black with dirt and probably fungus, someone said to use Hydrogen Peroxide, has anyone ever herd of this, if so, how would I dilute it, if not, what would be the chemical to use. Thanks Mike


New Member
What type?

If you mean a white aggregate concrete, I have some experience.
Heah in vuginya, we've got Phillip Morris, and the company I used to work for PW'd the sidewalks around the whole company HQ. On the white aggregate we used DR60. It was the ONLY thing we tried that worked out of about 8 different chems. DR60 is nasty, it KILLS anything it touches (even when diluted), and will etch glass INSTANTLY. Aside from the nastiness of it, it works great. The aggregate came out white and was even brighter the next day! We cut it 1:1 with water and applied it with pump up sprayers and let it sit for about 5 mins before using a surface washer on it.


New Member
white cut stone

What's up Doc, thanks for your reply. It's the white cut stone, I believe it's acctual quaried stone cut into rectangular shape. I have some DSR-50 chem., Have you ever tried this. Thanks Mike


New Member
I worked on the "aggregate" (white stones embedded in concrete).
No, I've not tried DSR-50. I would get a couple different chems and test on a hidden area. THAT'S an original idea! I am soooooooo clever! [uuu]

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