DC the day after


New Member
Most schools are closed here. The area around the White House is closed, there is increased security around all the govt. buildings. People lined up for 4 hours to give blood. We woke up to low flying military aircraft over our area. I don't like the way this feels.



New Member
Know the feeling Beth. We are surrounded by Military bases here (Norfolk, Langley, Little Creek, Yorktown, Ft. Eustis, Ft. Story, Dam Neck, Oceana) all within 30 minutes (Yorktown being the furtherest at a 30 minute drive and Oceana is in my backyard and my main shop is 1 mile from Little Creek)
Everything closed here, all of the bases are on highest alert, exterior lock downs at the schools, etc. But just think of those low flying military jets as a comforting blanket.
Hearing them and knowing they are right there, doing there sole duty which is to protect us.

Blood drives today were reporting 5-6 hour waits in line.
Just one of the area malls said they had in excess of 6000 people waiting at 1:00.

Also, The Enterprise battle group that was turned back to the Med and the ships sent North to help were all from here.
It's such an erie feeling with so many gone at once.

We have friends on the bases and at sea including one of my former employees.

But the sadness to see them go out is nothing to compare with the sinking feeling I get everytime I think of all the Mothers and Fathers that were in those buildings...

It's just so un-believable...get choked up just thinking about it.
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New Member
I looked up yeasterday after the crashes saw no planes did it today wierd feeling. Live 25 miles from milwaukee.



New Member
First, I lived about 2 miles from DC in McLean VA, for years, I was born there. I can only imagine how strange that whole area must feel right now. One of the busiest cities I have ever been in. Spent the weekends at the PX. Must be weird to be empty and have the heavy security.

I now live in Southern California and am about 20 miles from LAX. Everyday that we do not see airplanes up above feels like something out of the twilight zone. Usually there are so many planes in the sky at night that you forget where they stop and the stars start. There aren't even any helicopters. I also live 5 minutes from one of the reserve bases, and there is heavy security at the gates.

The lockdown in LA has been unnerving as well. We have just stayed home the last two days. They are stopping people in LA, if you don't have a genuine reason to be there. I usually spend a lot of time in and out of government buildings on any given day, and the last two days I haven't even bothered. I just keep remembering that we are still pretty lucky here in So. California. We have had very little to deal with compared to everyone on the East coast right now. All my thoughts and prayers are with you all.



New Member
Kendra, the beltway has been bare...very little traffic. You would think we were about to get two feet of snow or something. The other thing that was unnerving was the sight of a troop transport vehicle.

I can't even begin to imagine how the people with loved ones are coping.


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