First of all my customer wanted clear deck sealer,i told him i will order ready seal,which i was sure they had clear till today,i noticed they dont.Why not.How can i go around this,is there any color very close to it,or am i gonna have to tell him that i must go with Wolmans F&P??????
This is kind of a dumb question.I got my dual wand today,it has 2 1/4 inch disharge pipes.Nozzle goes in one off course,what about the other ,leave as it??.What the problem was when i tried it out,water was pouring out of the pipe ,looked like i am pressure cleaning and rinsing with water hose same time.
What is the purpose of that rubber thing that around the pipes,like ladys miniskirt.Is it to restrict the width of the water flow or what.Do you guys put srew in nozzles in dual wands?(boy he sure is dumb).Reason i ask, if that rubber is to restrict the width,then i would need screw in nozzle,otherwise when i put my coupler in there,,the nozzle is sticking way out there.
I want more water flow,i dont want water pouring out like water hose,it would take me for ever to rinse with 1000 psi.I put male plug in there ,that improved some,has to be something better.Can i put a nozzle i there.??I must be doing something wrong,cause on the maintnence tape i have it looks different.
Hate to ask very dumb questions,but have nobody else to ask.
Thanks a lot,
This is kind of a dumb question.I got my dual wand today,it has 2 1/4 inch disharge pipes.Nozzle goes in one off course,what about the other ,leave as it??.What the problem was when i tried it out,water was pouring out of the pipe ,looked like i am pressure cleaning and rinsing with water hose same time.
What is the purpose of that rubber thing that around the pipes,like ladys miniskirt.Is it to restrict the width of the water flow or what.Do you guys put srew in nozzles in dual wands?(boy he sure is dumb).Reason i ask, if that rubber is to restrict the width,then i would need screw in nozzle,otherwise when i put my coupler in there,,the nozzle is sticking way out there.
I want more water flow,i dont want water pouring out like water hose,it would take me for ever to rinse with 1000 psi.I put male plug in there ,that improved some,has to be something better.Can i put a nozzle i there.??I must be doing something wrong,cause on the maintnence tape i have it looks different.
Hate to ask very dumb questions,but have nobody else to ask.
Thanks a lot,