Extenda wand Results are IN


New Member
Ron, if that's your local "Pro" you're describing then it looks like you'll do very well when you do decide to go full time.

The only thing I'd take out of that ad is the part about if you aren't happy you don't pay. You leave yourself open to any huckster who wants to take advantage of you with that statement. It's too general. Maybe just say "Services Guaranteed" or simply "Guaranteed" and write into your contract that you "guarantee" your services to meet or exceed the standards of the trade". That way if it ever comes down to you and your customer in court over them not paying, you simply pull out the before and after shots and the contract they signed so you can show the judge you did do the work you said you would do in your estimate/contract.

Steven Rowlet

New Member
I agree with Lance. There is always someone that is out for a free lunch from the beginning. There are usually the ones that think they could have done it to begin with.. The ones that are trying to beat you down in the beginning are the type that will try to not pay.

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