Fired for bad attitude

Walt Graner

New Member
Had to let fire a guy today. Too many complaints about him, last straw, lipped off to a BIG property manager,, Thats a NO NO..

It’s funny I have never had a problem with being nice to people but as I’ve gone on in business it’s one of the biggest problems I have with employees. When I was a kid I remember my father telling me not to have a bad attitude. I never understood what he meant by that until I started having employees (& kids).

Oh well ad starts tomorrow.

Walt Graner
"Off The Wall" Graffiti

JR Wood

New Member
Your employee represents you.You did the right thing....nowadays people think you owe them something and they can do whatever they want on your dime,I am about to hire two guys for the first time and I am hoping they are "reasonable"!If not "SEE YA"!

<FONT size="1"><FONT COLOR="Black">J.R WOOD POWER WASHING*1-800-782-9919
J&B SNOW PLOW*1-973-328-6650
</FONT c>

<FONT size="2"><FONT COLOR="red">
</FONT c>


New Member
Hey Walt,
I had to fire one guy for stealing french fry containers from a McD's...they had monopoly game pieces on em. I told him to return em, an tell somthing, just return them... he started to give me some lip about it so I told him "you do what you need to do and i'll do what i need to do" needles to say he ended up stranded 80 miles from home because non employees aren't allowed in company vans.Then I promptly called the owner and explained, luckily she appreciated the way I took responsibilty and all and things are cool.
employees forget that it isnt their name they're smudding when they do that stuff, its yours. And they need to be held accountable for what they do.
You did the right thing, its your ball game


[This message has been edited by Richard (edited March 29, 2001).]

Mike Taylor

New Member
<FONT COLOR="Purple">Well, I actually hate to say I can top it. I had an employee that was a great worker, helped him get a place to live 1 block away from me as he didnt have transportation, and tried to help him alot. One nite he decided to go get high (which I dont condone, and do not allow on my time) with his buddies, and when I confronted him and tried to give him a ride home he suckerpunched me. That was the last mistake he made. In five minutes the guy got his eyes shut, teeth knocked out, bloodied up real bad, lost his job and became homeless. Never saw him again after that nite. It still eats at me whenever I need help that he was such a good worker, and I hate having things go down like that. And yes your employees represent you, my name is Gold and I work very hard to maintain that, so if someone isnt doing rite by you, SEEYA! PS thinkin of changin my username to Wyatt Earp....someone told me thats who I look like today...what do u guys think? lol</FONT c>

Always Under Pressure Inc Mike Taylor Pompano Beach Fla USA

[This message has been edited by Mike Taylor (edited March 29, 2001).]

Larry L.

PWN TEAM - Moderator Emeritus
<FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><FONT COLOR="Fuchsia">
Sounds ok with me Whyet but be carefull
Bigboy just run billy the Kid out of town think he's headed your way
</FONT c></FONT f>

<FONT COLOR="orangeRed"><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">When answering Post If It Sounds As tho I'm Holding A Match To Ya "Fear Not" Its Only Lit On One End.</FONT c></FONT f><FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><FONT COLOR="Fuchsia">I'm No Doctor The Pill I Subscride Is For Me Only.They May Make You Jump Up and Down Or Crawl All Over The Ground.</FONT c></FONT f><FONT face="comic sans MS"><FONT COLOR="blue">Will Try To Help Sail Your Ship Even Tho Rocket Fuel Is The Tip.</FONT c></FONT f>

<FONT COLOR="red"><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">When In Doubt,,,Think It Out</FONT c></FONT f><FONT COLOR="green"><FONT face="Comic Sans MS"></FONT c></FONT f>

Walt Graner

New Member
Amazing how short a memory is on some of these guys?
It's what have you done for me lately??

Good folks are hard to find, and back to the barrel I go.

Walt Graner
"Off The Wall" Graffiti


New Member
Hey Mike, that's my story and I'm sticken to it. The biggest difference is Wyatt, used a Buntline special, and you use a 36" wand.


Don F

New Member
I've had a number of Great firings over the years...
I fired a guy once for taking too many smoke breaks.... A couple years later he was a Teacher at my kid's school. Luckily, he joked with them about it. Another time, I fired 4 guys on the spot for taking an hour Lunch Break when they only get a 1/2 hour. Of course, the three guys not driving the van whined and pleaded.... I hired them all back the next day.... I realized I over-reacted! (I was having a Bad day)+ One of them was my Brother!! One firing - a worker was using our Gas Cards for his own vehicle... He decided to use our card on vacation.... gas charges in Wildwood, NJ.... How dumb can they be??? He never got his last check! Another - handing out his own Deck Care Flyers to Our Customers... Ohhhhh, The stories I could tell...... Don F.

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