Hey Kevin

Rob Blair

New Member
Hi Kevin,

Hope this is encouraging. Landed a fleet contract today, 35 tractor/trailer, once a week. 3 minutes from my house! Started talking to these guys last September. Talked to the truck boss at least 10 times since September. My point is this hang in there, it won't likely happen overnight, be tenacious man!!! It will come if you put the effort into it...........Rob


New Member
Wow that's awesome! My wife would love for me to land a job like that! I really think I'm going to love this job. I beat iron in the oilfield for a long time so I know the labor part will be ok, it's the rejection part that will hurt (lol). I'm very tenacious when it comes to working, I just hope I can deal with the hangups. Were working on the advertising part of the business now to try to round up some customers. My bro-in-law said I can practice on his 18 wheeler so I'm going to do taht before I tackle any trucks!

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