Hot Water/Cold Water Roof Care


New Member
I am thinking of switching to a hot water machine for roof cleaning. Does anybody have suggestions on this matter. I usually use cold water but have heard great things about washing cedar roofs with hot water verses cold.
Thank You

Oasis Roof Care, Inc


New Member
Hello Oasis, Your best bet is to read the forums on woodcare. More directly, the proper detergents to use and why hot water is bad for wood. If using hot water is only going to be for doing roofs, save your money. What you have is fine. If you are going to upgrade look at increasing your gpm flow.


New Member
I would say no on hot water for roofs or wood. Use the right chems for roofs, sunbrite sells a nice roof cleaner that I personally use and keep your pressure below 300 psi and let the chem do the rest. As for wood just use a good stripper and brightener as needed and also watch your pressure, certain woods that are softer require less pressure, some that are harder like pressure treated wood can handle a little more pressure. If you have a good chemical than the rest is easy.

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