How long is the typical season?


New Member
I live in NM where the winters are fairly mild so I think I could probably stay in business all year.

Is a season absolutely necessary or do you guys just prefer seasonal work?

Could you stay busy through the winter doing kitchen hoods or something?

Do you cancel your Liability insurance through the off season?

Do you advertise in the yellow pages, and if so, how does that workout in the off season?



New Member
Depends on the type of work you do. Commercial work is year round in most places. Residential folks tend to be the seasonal ones. I am commercial year round so no canceling insurance for me.
If you do hoods in winter, then why not in summer as well. Kitchen cleaning is year round.


New Member
As far as insurance, most companies won't let you cancel your insurance during the winter, then re-up in the spring. I know there is a 1-year waiting period to get re-signed up with mine...I guess that's to prevent people from canceling it in the winter.

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