how to convert a cornie keg to garden sprayer

New Look

Registerd User
Agreed, and can't be good for the seals or anything internal. Takes us 5 to 10 minutes to flush and rinse out equipment. Safety first, only second to taking care of my tools and equipment.

Go Bears !!!!!!

That kind of talk around here will get you in some trouble Jim...:)


PWN TEAM - Moderator
I can see how the compressed air tanks would be the bomb for doing hoods and vents.

I use my pump up sprayers for small jobs, rust stain treatments, etc. I do flatwork mainly.

I use this for my 10,000 sq ft + projects. 35 gallon tank @ 1.5 GPM. Covers approximately 35,000 sq ft per tank. Takes us 1 minute per 1000 sq ft, on average.


That is a nice little setup there, Jim. I'm curious why you don't just DS a job that big though?

Dave Olson

New Member
We use these for applying degreasers and caustics.


Here is the top of one of ours.


Here is the little air compressor that we have in the back of our trucks. When working inside a kitchen we take it inside with the rest of our equipment.

Here is a link of a place that sells parts for the canisters.
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We rinse them out every once in a while. We fill them so there ready to go, but only pressurize when were ready to use them.

Dave Olson

New Look

Registerd User
This is a good quality thread. Dave...thanks for posting the pics and the link.

Mmmm...and I thought I would be a XJet die hard...seeing and reading what Ant typed up over on his blog has me reconsidering my new set up....God willing....for 2011. I will keep the Landa that I have now for some "other" things that I have on the burner BUT for commercial....mmmm...thanks for the solid ideas everyone

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