Huge job quote help


New Member
I have to put together a job quote for a retirment village it has over 1000 houses all with tile roofs. All i would be doing is the roofs minimal I mean minimal chemicals, roofs range from 1700-2700 square feet. What would be a good price to get up there and clean the roofs? in a square footage instance or per house

Need answer quick please my first real good job want to make a good impression to get repeat business.

Thank you all for your help.

Mike Hughes

New Member
That depends on who is paying for your services. If the individual homeowner has to pay, then I would say base it on square footage, to be fair.

If it is the association that is paying, then develop a fair per house price. Might not make as much $$$ on the bigger ones, but the little ones will make up for it............should balance out....

Good luck!

Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
When ever you can't figure a price out. Eye ball it. Ask yourself how long on average will it take you to clean each roof. What will it cost you. Times that by what you are willing to make per hour for that job. 50, 100 or more. Go up or down from there.

It takes a while but you should be able to look at a job and price it in your head right away. Sometimes you'll be off a bit. But most of the time it will be over.


New Member
Assuming that the houses are done once a year already. this it what I was told that has been happening as of now. The largest house being around 2700sqf and probably taking 2-21/2 hrs. And like I said miniaml chems and cost of the overhead is gas and oil for both the p/w and the vehicle for driving there. I was thinking of an overall price of $250.00 for each house.

Thanks Mike and Dan. If you could give me some insight on how you would handle this. The village is well mantianed and anything extra, driveways sidewalks and so forth will be paid for by the resident of the home. So I am seeing potential in the extra money as well.

Mike Hughes

New Member
See if the village would allow you to pass out flyers a week prior to your cleaning of the roofs.........that way, you can sign the residents up for additional services ahead of time and make things run more smoothly when you do the work.

Walt Graner

New Member
I go with Dan

Eye ball and figure out yuor per hour costs + chemicals also make sure you find out about there pay schedul. I'd have some draws worked into proposal 25% a wack would be nice. Nowadays it is not a good idea to let folks get to high on the cuff.


New Member
What Walt meant by draws is, have it in the written contract to have them pay you say 25 % of the total when you complete 1/4 of the houses, and so on. Some people even require a percentage upfront for additional expenses.

The draw part is really nice for those of us who cant afford to work that long with out being paid.


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