Insurance costs

Barry Laraway

New Member
I would like to here from others with regard to insurance prices. I have been getting confused about whats need and whats not. The prices seem to be high and low.
What are others paying and could anyone provide information on Insurance Companys that they are happy with so I can look into contacting them and maybe getting a policy.
I am located in New Jersey and dont want to get ripped off.
Maybe I can contact some out of state Ins. company that would be able to write a policy and give a fair price.
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Glenn Clark

New Member
I am not sure what most places require where you are.
I am required to have 1,000,000 general liability and it runs me around $600.00 Yr.

I was told some places require 2,000,000 in coverage, wich is about $200.00 more per year.


New Member
You can never have to much insurance.

Now what you can afford is the question.

I have 2 million plus medical and other incidental coverage.

I pay appox. $1,200 a year here in Calif.

I have found that most car insurance companies do not cover businesses but will call the same insurance companies that do and add their profit to the price.


New Member
Call PWNA and get Joe Walters Number for insurance. He deals with powerwashing businesses all the time. 1-800-393-pwna.



New Member
I am going to say something here some will not like to hear and others will agree with me.

Joe Walters is EXPENSIVE.

His price the few times I have called have been 3 times what I pay but if you want to blow that kind of money go ahead.

He does not even offer a discount to PWNA members when I was one, that sort of got me. You would think being one of the founding fathers of the PWNA he would gladly offer members a discount but oh no way, increase the price for them.

Enough said, call your local insurance guy first. The guy I use does not insure in the East.

Mike Hughes

New Member
I am with Joe for the last two years now.......and I think the "three times as expensive" statement is absurd. Give him a call and get a me, it is ideal to have an agent that is familiar with the business...........not just any old agent up the block that has never even seen a pressure washer.

My opinion.


Here's his #:

Joseph D. Walters Insurance Agency, Inc.
2706 South Park Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

Phone: 800-878-3808



New Member
Personally I can also confirm that the insurance quote that I got from Joe was 3 times higher than the quotes I got locally. I was with Joe Walters for 2 years before I upgraded my equipment. The old policy was pretty reasonable. The quote for the new equipment was ridiculous. I have a $2 Million insurance policy including covering my truck, 2 drivers, medical, fire,etc., and the equipment for $4,000 a year. It covers EVERYTHING. It has been the best policy I have ever found, and I still check with other companies to be sure of the price I pay. I have to agree with Jon, check with your local carriers first. The best rates I found anywhere were right here at home.


New Member
I am not an insurance agent, but I believe the cost of insurance depends on where you live, if you have any claims agianst you, how long you have been in business, and if you have any experience in that field. Get a couple of quotes. To me I may of paid a little (I stress a little) higher then my previous policy, but i believe I have the protection I need.


Craig Knight

New Member
Joe Walters wasn't 3 times higher when i called for a quote, but he was considerably higher. Add in all the time it took me to get ahold of him and finally get the quote, i just laughed and told him thank you, but no thank you. Granted, this was 4 years ago, but first impressions are set in stone with me, and i will never give him a second opportunity at a first impression.


Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
Local for sure :cool: You will save a lot and have an office you can walk into. I just don't think a long distance insurance company is a good idea. What's important to me is a fair price and knowledge of the insurance industry my agent works in.

Lucky for me I use State Farm for all my stuff. They probably won't write you as a Pressure Washer unless you have been with them for a while.

Mike Hughes

New Member
My policy from Joe includes "Care, Custody, and Control insurance". Which means, insurance to cover the actual surface you are working on. General Liability insurance will not cover you if you do damage to the persons siding, or deck, or whatever you are working on...........thats where the CC&C insurance comes in.

Just a thought as to part of the reason why he might be higher.


New Member
Mike not to make it sound bad but so does most others, Joe and Company love to harp on the saying, all other companies use different wording but mine covers what I am working on as well as other things that might get damaged also.

It also covers my equipment if there were an accident while driving, whether it is my fault or not.

It also took Joe 3 weeks to get back to me and I gave them two chances, I called this year again and by the time I heard from them I had already renewed with the guy I use.

Not sure I can say his name here but he runs an ad in Cleaner Times, I think he only covers California and or Western States.


New Member
Good point Mike. My previous insurance didn't carry that. I am glad I have Joe for my agent. I feel that I am properly insured. As stated in my previous post location has alot on how much you pay. Do yourself a favor call Joe.


Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
My insurance company words it the same as Joe, I also have coverage for any possible thing that can happen to my company, equipment, customer, customer property, truck, trailer & contents inside of trailer. I know nothing about Joe. But I never heard anything good except what Mike has said. But I think it's good for Mike if he lives in the same state and is happy with him.

If it takes someone that long to get back to a potential customer. I would hate to see what would happen we you really need him. He may be the best in the world. But if he's too high, non -responsive and out of state I would say no way.

I paid under a 1000 per year in IL. and in Texas it is under 2000. Insurance is a lot more expensive in Texas. When I get my new policy in I will post all the coverage. But I am sure everything you can think of is covered. Including ME, company, customer & property and all equipment inside my trail and in my shop. Even if I had a fire in my trailer it would completely replace my washer and contents.

Just my opinion

Look around and ask a lot of questions. If you can't get covered locally, which might be hard for some. Go with an out of state company if you have too.

Clean County

New Member
My advice also would be to go local. Not only for the better prices but God forbid you actually do damage to someones home etc. you may want to meet with your insurance agent face to face because of the magnitude of the damage that might have incurred. I met my insurance agent at my house when I first started. I wouldn't do it any other way.

Barry Laraway

New Member
I finally got to read all of the posts regarding insurance. Sorry that I didnt get back sooner. As most of you know that im a police officer. I have been activly involved over in New York City in the search and rescue in efforts to locate survivors.
I did read all of the post and have learned alot, thanks to all that responded, your responces will help me greatly in my decission making process.
Lets look foward for better days to come, paybacks a B****.


New Member
Very short note.

I do not dislike Joe Walters and if my post make it sound like I do sorry.

I dislike any business that takes to long to response to a request for a quote.

This is not limited to insurance, could be anything. If I call a company and speak with someone and that person says I will get back with you in one or two days I expect that to happen.

3,4 5 days go by I am no longer interested in doing business with that company and have found another whom is prompt.

Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
Hey Barry,

Good luck, thanks for taken part, helping with America's Tragedy. My family is truly hurting for you guys. We want you to know how much we appreciate all the Police, Fire & Emergency workers dealing with what's going on in New York and other parts of the country. Keep your chin up.


New Member
Call around

We just started a power washing business in Chicago Illinois area. We only have 'the basics', power washer... mini van... one man show. We called several different insurance companies. Many stated that Power Washing was a 'risky business' and many companies wouldn't even quote us a rate. However, we did find a company called PEKIN that gave us a $1,000,000 policy for $600 a year and we are able to cancel this insurance during our off season (October - April). Some places we called were as high at $1200 a year and we would be assessed a fee for suspending the insurance during our off season.

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