Looking for input!


New Member
We are busy putting the finishing touches on the new PWNA Environmental Cleaning certification course, and this is the time when we really need some input from PW contractors all over the country. This is an appeal to members and non-members alike, for the overall betterment of the industry.

We are working very hard to make the class as relevant as possible to people from every area, and we need your help to make the presentation the best it can be. We are looking for two different things to round out the program.

First, we could use photos (negatives, slides, etc.) showing environmental cleaning. We need lots of shots of home-made environmental set-ups, all kinds of environmental manufacturer's photo galleries, plenty of environmental No-No's, etc. In other words, the good, bad, and the ugly.

Additionally, we need copies of environmental regulations from the state and local level. This is the sort of information we can only get from local people who live with these regulations every day. There just isn't any reasonable way to find out who to contact in every city and state/province around North America.

Please e-mail any and all photos and regulations to me (Pete Marentay, marentay@pwna.org). If you have materials that cannot be emailed, you can give me a toll-free call at 1-866-537-2748. We really appreciate your input, and will maintain a "Thank You" list acknowledging all contributors when we roll out this new class in Pittsburgh.

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