


How many of you in this business have a partner? Well i do and were the best of friends.But, Frindship is frindship and buisness is buisness. And we dont always see eye to eye especialy here lately. On one hand you have one prtner that gives 100-percent to the buizz and the other i dont know----Have made some great $$$$$ over the years but i think it's time to go solo before it gets real uggly.....CONFUESED & UNDESIDED ON WHERE this will go but i will make a decission soon! Already to much invested not to succeed......Rick..........


Have had several customers offer a partenership. Don't know if it is a good idea or not. I have a dream of my own busniess but someone else to control my actions does not appeal to me. Might as well keep working for someone else.

------------------ John DeRosa

<FONT COLOR="#000080" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by hotwaterwisard on June 03, 2000 ]</font>


. . . Partner? - my wife! She's the President!

. . . but I am the COO (Chief Operations Officer) and Corporate Agent!

Other than that - hmmm . . . it would have to be a proven business person before I'ld consider it. If I take on a partner - they need to be strong in my weak areas.

I have a friend who is waiting for me to get this business going real good - then he thinks he'll go out & spend a few grand and be partners.

. . . but I'm NOT here to make it a risk free easy ride. No Risk - NO Partnership!

Cleaning America - One Job At A Time!
I love My Boss! I Married Her!
E-MAIL: Randy Ferrantino at


In my opinion, partnerships are nothing but trouble, just about any way I look at it.
I dont want to answer to ANYONE. And, if the partner wants out, or gets divorced, or disagrees, then all that you worked for can be gone. It's not for me, and I don't recommend it to anyone. I have heard enough horror stories to far outweigh the success stories. If I can't do it on my own, I'd rather not do it at all....

My 2 cents

Mike Hughes
Souderton, PA

J Prewitt

New Member
I have a partner, he and I have been my friend and buddy’s since the 3 rd grade. He supported me through two divorces, I was his best man, He stayed in our home town when I went into the military for 4 years. He helped me get into business then I took him in as a partner, We have one business but do many other things, maintenance, wholesale. YES, we don’t see eye to eye all the time and some times money is tight. But, I do have a good partner.
J Prewitt/Topper


Speaking of partnerships, anybody heard from Spraymasters lately? Dennis and Gloria, you guys still out there???



I noticed that too.......maybe they joined the nudist colony! ?


You know one of Gloria's last posts said something about Dennis getting a promotion at the college. I wonder if he left her hanging? I sure hope not, kinda miss em.


New Member
Here we are
: Sorry about not being able to jump on here lately. I have been in North Carolina visiting my parents, out at bike week in South Carolina, AND of course making Gloria hold my hose! We have been pretty busy lately on the weekends. Love this time of year!
It really does make us feel good to be missed though

So far Gloria and I have gotten along very very well. We have pretty much agreed on everything. {But then of course if she tells me to do something I just do it
} Actually, I also have heard the horror stories. We are always very careful to communicate and be up front and honest with each other. We are a 50/50 business and there is nothing we can't work out together. That is our attitude and we back it up with our behavior. I am sure there will be things in the future that we will discuss and not agree on but I am positive with our personalities we WILL work it out. I am sorry but when it comes to statements like friends/family are friends/family and business is business just does not sit well with me. Wether it be business or friendships, acting in a responsible, adult, and loving manner is what it is all about. Call me nieve, but I have been around the block a couple times and have been biten, and I have learned that I cannot live my life in fear of someone else taking advantage of me. I will continue to be what I hope is a loving kind person with the knowledge that most things are pretty small when looking at the big picture :&gt;: My penny's worth.
By the way,,,pattin myself on the back. Got a promotion at work here at the college. Am the Education Department Head and Special Support Services meaning a raise and more time off actually. Will have all summer off now with lots of other days inbetween. This means I believe we can go FULL TIME now with our business. Yippie!!

Well, I have yacked enough. Take care and hope that all is well for each of you~~~

Living Life On the Edge Makes Us Dizzy...WE LOVE DIZZY!

Dennis A. Cormier and Gloria A. Wagner
North Georgia Spray Masters, Inc.


New Member
Partnerships are tough, especially when one party feels like they contribute more than the other.
I belive someone on this board has a signature that says something about 99% of all problems can be avoided by excellent communication. Well this applies to you. Confront your partner and let them know where you stand and do not be afraid to hurt their feelings. It's buisness.
If they are slacking let them know that you expect more. You can only benefit from discussing it with them.
The worst thing you can do is to let it go or ignore it until it reaches a point where you do not have a partner or a friend anymore.

Communication = Resolution


New Member
Missed all you guys too! You know I had to get my 2 cents in! I don't believe you can have a successful partnership without being friends first; it takes trust, committment, honesty and 100% of effort on both ends. I sometimes feel I'm not holding up my end, as Den does most of the heavy work and I am pretty much the go fer and the hose holder,but he reminds me constantly how much of a help I am and he couldn't do it without me, which means a lot. I'm there to wipe his brow and give him a drink and bolster his spirits, besides holding his hose and we make the work fun!! I wouldn't trade my partner for the world!

Living Life On the Edge Makes Us Dizzy...WE LOVE DIZZY!

Dennis A. Cormier and Gloria A. Wagner
North Georgia Spray Masters, Inc.

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