Power washing indoors with an outdoor unit?


New Member
I recently purchased an outdoor Power washer from Costco...the typical kind one would use on their driveway. I am looking to use it indoors to clean a cement floor in our new retail space. The place is empty, however freshly painted.

Would anyone have a suggestion as to how I'd get this done without damaging/dirtying the new paint on the walls and ceiling? Is their something that can be draped over or around the spout/nozzle in order to keep the spray confined?



New Member
Sounds like you need a surface cleaner, no need for tarping and such. Just the right tools and a little control. Do Not run a Gas Engine indoors without the proper ventilation, constant air flow! Carbon Monoxide is a silent killer! You'd be better off leaving the unit outside and just running the hose in. Suck up the wash water with a shop vac if there isn't a floor drain available...
Welcome to the PWN Laney.

A vacuum surface cleaner would be ideal, but would also require you to either make another sizable investment or find a qualified contractor in your area that owns a vacuum reclamation surface cleaner.

New Look

Registerd User
As Jim mentioned...best to have a surface cleaner with a vacuum reclaimer. Even with a surface cleaner, if there is no drains in the vicinity you will get accumulation of water real quick.


New Member
Good point Carlos-there is no drain in this very small space (250 sg ft). I wouldn't want to chance water damage. Thanx


New Member
Yes-finding a contractor may be the way to go. I really just wanted to clean the concrete floor of some paint, spackle and rust stains before sealing it and possibly painting it. Thanks for the feedback.

New Look

Registerd User
If you are going to paint it....just spot clean the paint and spackle and mop the rest of the floor with a good old fashion mop and some hot water with a little bit of bleach. Without seeing pics it is hard to "suggest" a course of action but I would hate to see you spend money where you may not need to spend it.


New Member
Gotcha. The floor is in good shape overall-just a few stubborn paint and other strange stains. Would you suggest a sealant, either before painting or after painting?

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