question to the group

Barry Loy

New Member
Have any of you ever done any extra work / non-pressure washing related / but exterior house cleaning and what did you charge for your time ? Got a customer wanting some clean-up and not sure what to charge. Thanks.


New Member
We are often asked to do "extra work". Usually we do it if we physically can. We try to make around $45 an hour when not using pressure washer. Of course you don't want to tell the client that is what you are making! Sometimes it is hard to bid. We have done jobs where we have had no earthly idea how long it would take. Sometimes we under bid sometimes we over bid. After a while it comes out in the wash. If you estimate $45/hr even if you under bid you can usually still make something!


New Member
Most of the lawn maintenance guys in the this area bid on the basis of $1.00 a minute.

Ned Parks
Power Steam Cleaning


I usually just guess, trying to keep it at a minimum of $50 per hour. Like Ameri-clean some, lose some.

If it's something small, I'll do it, but I try to just stick to what I know.....I don't go out of my way to so things extra. I would try to refer them to someone else, maybe build a relationship with that person.

For instance, if you had a deck repair to do, and didnt know a saw from a shovel, I would hook up with deck builder and work something out with him. You can help each other.

My 2 cents...

Mike Hughes
Souderton, PA

JR Wood

New Member
Everything I do is related to power washing and the job at hand(except driveway sealcoating,which I do prep the driveway with a pressure washer).I do deck repairs,shrub trimming around the house and deck.This can add an extra $50-$100 bucks to the job and is very easy.Oh yeah I also clean gutters in the fall which gives me an extra $10 grand going into the winter.I also fix gutters and rehang them.


If you're refering to the gutter cleaning, go with the per ft. pricing...

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