Recovery in Texas


New Member
Any of my fellow Texans got the skinny on regulations to follow recovering waste water? The only thing I can think of that might be regulated is dealing with certain homeowner's associations. Using biodegradeable detergents. (phosphate free).
Will probably use acid on fuel tanks of big trucks on request.
Any thoughts? Not just Texans, though. Let me know about the rules in your state also. they can't be REAL different, can they?


New Member
Most of the places that I know of in Texas want NOTHING down the Stormwater Drains. The Waste Water Departments want NO OIL, NO SEDIMENT (bigger than 10 microns) into the Sanitary Sewer System. So you will have to recover the wash water, process it on-site (Unless you have a Waste-Haulers Permit and Bill-Of-Ladings, Labs to test the wash water, and pay BY THE POUND to dispose of the wash water. There are many ways to do this. You have to spend some time checking around. You can do this the right way and it will not cost a fortune. It will take time to setup and take down for each job but it will get a little bit faster as time goes on. Hope this helps.

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