Residential/Commercial Powerwashing for 2011

Clean County

New Member
What r u going to do differently in 2011 to get more business then you did in 2010??

My company was off to its best start ever this year with by far record numbers in March-July then suddenly from August on we took a major dive. The reason why was besides the $20,000 give or take a few dollars we used to advertise thru the internet,Local Papers,Yellow Pages,Mailers, we starting putting to many eggs in one basket when we should have put more in the other basket which was Commercial. Yes I did have some large jobs that were supposed to . go down that where pushed off to next year or maybe lost forever because of the downturn the NY economy is taking.

The biggest job I gained then lost the rest on was that we Powerwashed a pretty large Movie theater that paid aprox $16,000. That was sweet because we did it in about a week. The Caveat to that job was the sealing we were in line to do and that was set at a gross of close to $80,000 with $25,000 in material cost and another $10-$15,000 in labor cost, We could have done that in 2 weeks. Also along with that we were supposed to do another Movie theater owned by the same company that was even bigger and that got squashed when it looked like a go. I have a few of these stories for 2010.

So with that being said our Residential end was smoking but it died off in the middle of August and it hasn't picked up no where near the pace we were doing before then. This was a costly blunder in my part hence the eggs all in one basket. The winter before I should have been chasing commercial work harder so it could have been there when the residential slows down. We didn't and because of some cancelations and a couple of people not paying I took a personal hit.

I had to sell my Yellow Truck and another truck will be going up for sale possibly soon.

As of now my wife mostly is getting ready to make tons of cold calls. The days of me resting on my laurels because I always over advertised to keep my guys busy is over.

The Hustling is back in and the dog that bites the hardest wins. Next year where going to do some serious biting and hopefully its on the commercial end because I'll always have my residential base which could add money or lose money on its own but its there after 15 yrs.


New Member
Hi John, We have been in the business for over ten years. I have come across the same situation a few times. My advice is to learn from the simple mistake. I unfortunately made the advertising mistake a few times. We have plenty of residential work. August is always the slowest month during our season. It seems that everyone takes Family vacations, etc.

We tend to give higher discounts if we can schedule work for this time. The remainder of the season usually picks back up. Balancing the advertising for commercial and residential can be challenging. Hope this next year is more consistent for you.


Doug Rucker

Staff member
Cold Calling lots of Cold Calling. Also gonna do some radio ads. They are very cheap and very effective according the serviec providers I have been talking to that do them.

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