Ring around the pool!


New Member
Drained and Powerwashed a pool today. Where the water set all winter it left a ring around the bottom. Owner was satisfied with work but was wondering what to use (short of acid....if that would work) for removing this stain......High pressure just brought the paint off and no chemical I had with me would touch the ring looked like a maybe clay mud stain in paint not sure.....anyone wanna tackle this one for me, thanks


New Member
The stain are mostly if not all orgainic. They come from dirt, leaves and whatever else the wind carried in. Try a medium mix of sodium percarbonate and some dawn so it will stick.

Better yet, dont waste time tring to re-invent the wheel go down to the pool supply house and they got stuff that will take it off usually with a light brushing.


New Member

Thanks, Kevin, Called customer we will try that......time frame was a problem here..trucks were coming Friday to fill up pool.......got it extended for a week.........Let you know how it went .ok?

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