Roof Hooks - Any good??

Has anyone used roof hooks to attach ladders to the roof? If so, how well do they work? As I shop around, I find them sold as singles and as sets. Which is better? Can they damage the shingles?

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Tim


Don F

New Member
Hi, We use Ridge Hooks almost every day. Hook on the end of a straight ladder and hooks over the peak of a roof. We built an adjustable little stage from two straight ladders w/hooks. We also mounted a wheel on the very top of our straight ladders... (opposite side of the hook) Roll them up the roof and flip over the peak. No damage to shingles that way. Try chimney sweep supply called Copperfield. Good Luck.... Be safe on them there roofs....... Don F.

Quality Workmanship, Honesty & Integrity will keep your Schedule Book & your Tummy full !

[This message has been edited by Don F (edited April 18, 2001).]

Don F

New Member
Had a close call early this spring. Washing a Log Home, using the hook set-up and the ladder began to slip. The L was hooked over the Peak Vent and that began to tear... I welded on a longer piece of steel at the L... we only use that one on homes with peak vents... Yes, we replaced the ripped vent.... It was me on the ladder washing too.... I lost a few years and a few gray hairs with that one.... Take care, be safe.. Don F.

Quality Workmanship, Honesty & Integrity will keep your Schedule Book & your Tummy full !
Glad to hear that you were not hurt Don! I also have a few gray hairs from some close calls slipping.

Thanks again for the info. Tim


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