

Jim Carmany

I have a question about a roof job. First off let me say i have been in the PW business for almost 5 years now, so i do know a little bit about PW. I do only commerical flat surface concrete work. Here is my problem i have, the boss at one of my "BIG" and i mean big contracts asked my to do his dads roof. I cant tell him no, but i also have never done a roof before, Please help!!!!
The roof isnt really dirty at all, he just wants to get the mold/mildew off where there are a few trees hanging over the roof. I know i need to use low pressure so i dont damage the asphalt shingles, but what chemicals should i use? I read through the past posts and some peaople say use this or that or dont use this or that! I dont want to have to buy a large suplly either. Any help would be appreciated...
Thanks, Jim Carmany

Master Blasters Pressure Washing
Akron, Ohio

doug mckenzie

New Member
if you want to you can call me. it is to hard for me to
(brain operation) suds mckenzie 203-438-1069 after 5 before 8est.


New Member
Here are my thoughts....

If you can safely walk the roof, and the gravel is in good condition, you can climb up and wash it with hot or cold water and your lance. The correct nozzle size is the key for this.

If the roof is older, and the gravel is not real sound, chems would be a good choice because it allows a lower psi to be used, which blows off less of the gravel. Again, the correct nozzle is the key.

If the roof is too steep or high, and you use a pitchwitch or similar device, it may be better to use chemicals since you won't have as good of control as you do with a wand.

There are several good chems available to choose from. Sometimes chlorine alone will do the job.

Mike Hughes

New Member
I would look into subbing it out to someone that knows a lot about roof cleaning......and be on site when it's done to make sure nothing goes wrong.

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