Selling the job/Without lowering your standards or your prices/Newbee's READ


New Member
I have gone through and read alot of different sites and heard alot of complaining about pricing and the fact of always having to lower there prices. Here are some good ways to sell and how to become more confident in your price.
Here is the 1st rule in sales
Once the price is given and you are done with your spill.................................
SHUT UP, cause the next one that talks LOOSES.

Dont for a second think that you wont get the job cause you are higher than others (or becuase your customer does not like your price), I have never got turned down because of price, just yesterday a guy said to me, "Can you do this a little lower? Because that is what this guy is willing to do?" I told him nope, that is my price and I am worth every cent and I dont just change my structure of billing for anyone. (then I stopped talking) about 10 minutes went by and all of a sudden he started talking and the first thing out of his mouth was "GO AHEAD AND DO IT". Now if I would of said, Well sure I'll come down, he would of all of a sudden thought I was HIGH BALLING, hoping that he would take it, but when I said no he realized he had better make a decision and do it quick. That is the way to sell a job, its not being smarter than your customer, its letting your customer know that you dont haggle and this isnt the purchase of a new car it is what you do for a living.

One of my favorite things to do and it may seem cocky but it works is when the customer asks if I can do a $1000 job for $800, I say no but I can do it for $1200 a little more comfortably. That 9 out of ten times tells the customer that you are pretty much set in your price and it kinda gets a chuckle out of them.

I takes time to get use to selling and you will turn out just fine, your smart, you know business and you are professional but and this is no insult, YOU ARE NEW!!!
New guys seem to think that if they dont take your first bid to offer them another and they will take that, but actually the real thing is that they are looking for someone that is confident in themselves enough to say HERE IS MY PRICE TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT and to then wait. If you offer them 2 different prices it sends out this RED FLAG that says "USED CAR SALESMAN, BEWARE".

I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that good things come your way and if I can help you I will but you have to try to re-think your sales and stop being scarred of the what if and make things happen.

Good things are coming your way, get up and get going, this is you year to make MONEY$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!


David l Saulque

I agree 100% with DD, but he forgot one key point and that is you listen to your customer as to what he wants-you let him talk and you gain the the information you need to make the sale.

I will not lower my price under most all conditions. If the customer asks, I raise the price-then reduse the price-"would that make you happy?" Does the customer haggle at the market no-does he do it with the plumber-does he do it to the doctor-NO. You are selling a service based on time,service and profit. Make you shot and live with it-do a little extra-but never lower your price. The one exception would be if I made a mistake in the bid.

I remember one time a women got right in my face and said "too high-too high-too high" I said to her now it just went up $100 & now it is $450. She look at me with this blank look-I gave her my card and told her to call someone else. I do not need that type customer.



Here is another thing to consider:
This is what I do - if a customer has a problem with the price of a job REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF SERVICE!

In other words - Lets say they want the house, gutters, porch, sidewalk, and driveway done. They say it is more than they had in mind to spend.
Start dropping the services! Say - "okay lets drop the gutter cleaning. If that isn't enough reduction - drop the driveway service.

This also works in deck restoration!
They want a clean & Seal but do not want to pay the price. Then offer them a cleaning & sell them the sealer for a 15% mark-up. Let them do it! Make sure they understand that if they try to do the wood themselves that they MUST be very careful NOT to fuzz the wood - or they WILL need to sand it to prevent weak areas of sealant saturation.
This is where being a bit more familiar with the process will help sell the service. You need to educate them in the process so that they know that what they think is needed is not the whole situation.
People do not realize that you get what you pay for. Sealers are a perfect example!
Wolman offers several - using F&P and Extreme - F&P is less expensive - however, the next time you use it you have to strip it! With Extreme you can JUST go over it(no needed stripping on normal wear & tear)! & it gives you a wonderful (almnost varnished) look!

Do not reduce the price - reduce the service!

Cleaning America - One Job At A Time!
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E-MAIL: Randy Ferrantino at


New Member
Excellent advice and a real confidence booster for us newbies!


Dido to what Kevin said.

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