Something a power washer needs!


New Member
For sale Sony Mavica FD-88 digital camera, 16x digital zoom, MPEG Movie, 1.3 MEGAPIXELS. Stick a 3 1/2 floppy in and go to town! I paid $967.00 including tax in January or February. Awesome to take job pictures with. Also for sale HP Photosmart 1000 printer. Bought at same time for $350.00 + tax. My junky computer cant handle this stuff and I cant afford another one! With my 486 computer it takes forever to print a picture. The printer is supposed to be able to take photo quality pictures. My computer is below the minimum requirements for this printer. Both items have instruction manuals. I will help someone who purchases it by telephine if necessary. Make offer!!!!!! Dan I havent been here in a while so I hope its ok to put the se items here!



New Member

Forget that stuff, how is the wife and almost new addition to your growing family?

Long time no hear from your stick of the woods, you still PWing or what?

Tell us all?


Beep beep, the OPC Roadrunner coming through.

Jon Fleischer
Oasis Pressure Cleaning
(909) 792-2247
Fax (909) 792-5633


New Member
Hey Jon and everybody! I've been struggling to survive here lately. I still wash a couple of car lots and clean a storefront once a month but business has been extremely slow. I placed several bids on different cleaning jobs with 0 replies. Maybe I overbid, who knows. I even did test patches on some of these potential jobs and tried to be fair on the price but got zero results. Some of these jobs were bid at an average of 65 an hour with zero results. I bid a 4 story building 193 feet long just the north side at about 800 bucks including the manlift-nothing. I have bid 7 jobs out without any results. Ive even followed up called many times. Im trying to get my oilfield postion back and just do this part time because I'm sure not getting anywhere like this. Im having to sell stuff to pay bills. I know people say don't give up, but when you have 2 kids and a pregnant wife, sometimes you have to.Well thats how its going for me- businesswise, but my kids are awesome and my wife is beautiful with her big round belly!

See Ya




I have been shopping for that camera too. I have found it at Wal-Mart for 495.00 new. It's amazing how the prices of electronics come down. A new vcr now is less than 100.00 and I can remember when they where over 500.00 and that was 15 years ago!

"Hmmm, If everyone has a photographic memory... mine must be out of film."


New Member
Hey Kevin I have not been on this board very long but I sure am sorry to hear about your bad luck. Sometimes I feel like if I did not have bad luck I would have none at all. I wish you the best of luck. And hope your phone rings off the hook with some of those jobs you have bid. See ya later.


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