

New Member
I am new to this chat room, but a chat room is a chat room and the last I heard, we still live in a country where freedom of speech exists and why would anyone object to mentioning a brand name in a good light or a bad light. For those reps, or manufacturers who sponsor this board, let them promote their products. We make the choice to purchase or not. If certain speech restrictions are placed on this chat room, then it is no longer a chat room and the board has another agenda. Everyone should just speak their peace and dump the thought of restrictions on product promoters and members. No Biggy, there are lots of chat sites for pressure washers and those in the contracting business. It's a big world out there guys.


Bryan Maybe You Can Become A Sponsor!

Hotwaterwizard@aol.com John DeRosa


New Member

Well, I might if I had something to sell. But I have no products that would behoove me to sponsor in a chat room like this. I just get in here for fun and info.
Thanks for the thought though John.



To fully understand the problem, you would have to be familar with what has gone on in the last couple of years on other Pressure Washing BBS's. Let's just say things got out of hand.
Then came this BBS.

So far, Dan has provided a safe haven from the antics that used to occur.
I say, since it has worked up until now, lets just leave it the way it is.....don't change a thing!

My 2 cents...

Mike Hughes
Souderton, PA

David l Saulque

I agree this BB is owned by Dan Flynn and it is his sand box to do with what he wants. If we do not like it we should find a new box. This is a great site, I would make some changes and in time Dan might see other directions, but for now let just set back and ride the wagon.




My last reply on this subject....



Dan Flynn

PWN Founder
I said this before and will explain it again. This site is providing a free source of information as well as a free avenue to network with a specific group of people. The opportunity here is obviously taken for granted and abused by a few. In order to provide this resource, someone has to pay with time and money.

Which I have chosen to do, for various reasons. Fortunately for the average contactor there is no cost. Fortunately for me, my costs have lowered thanks to Xterior Sales and Sun Brite. How ever their support is far from covering the cost to offer this free invaluable ability to communicate with out fare with fellow contractors within the trade. Yet I choose to pay the remainder of the time and money to make this possible. I feel that it is worth every penny.

Also, if you read the posts through out this site. You will see that many companies and name brand chemicals and products are mentioned all the time. We have no problem with it at all. It is when a product or company name that is mentioned over and over that we have a problem with. When this happens we block it out.

It is very obvious for the right company or product, this is a hunting ground for customers. Which is fine. How ever we feel that we are not some other companies lead or should I say customer finder or locator. Especially for free. So obviously when this happens the agenda is far from offering help with information on a product they are familiar with. It is more like, taking advantage of the situation. Which happens anyway via email. We feel if a company wants to promote their products to a forum filled with 100% qualified leads/customers/prospects (that's you). They should be more than happy to support this site.

We have been consistent from day one and will continue to be.

If you would like to send us a donation, we would be very grateful for your support. I think 10, 20 ,50 or 100 per month would really help keep this free resource going. You did mention that you come here for information in your post. So IM sure you would not mind helping out.

All kidding aside. How do you think everything your read, see or hear on TV, NEWS PAPERS or RADIO is brought to you? I actually I love your idea of just letting everyone go crazy and advertise.

I think I will call my local TV station and ask them if they would mind if I promoted my services for free on their station. Hell I might just call them all. I would be rich. I would just say something real short like Deck Cleaning Anyone

Just enjoy this board, learn and give back. I look forward to your involvement on the board and in the voice chat rooms. If you have any suggestion or written material you would like to offer please do. Have a great and prosperous Season

A World Without rules of some sort would be anarchy.


Glenn well put.

Dan Flynn
Flynn Service Pro www.powerwash.net

Our Sponsors
